  • 學位論文


A Study of the Impacts of Patent Analysis on Technical Acquisition in a Business

指導教授 : 耿筠


中文摘要 專利資訊建構的主要目的,在消極面來說,可以避免侵害他人,同時可以透過相關專利資訊,進行其它企業的監視,而在積極面來說,可以對他人的專利進行異議與舉發,而相關專利的先前技術搜尋和調查更是不可或缺。專利分析技術的運用,即該產業的專利資料收集,進而專利資訊庫的建構,並將所收集的專利資料給予統整圖表化,即為專利地圖的製作,最後再決定產品研發方向的策略佈署。亦或是也可利用此專利地圖分析結果來決定新技術的發展方向,最後再決定以何種外部技術取得方式以取得外部技術(陳歆,1996)。 從實務的角度來看,企業欲取得一項技術,其來源與途徑大致可分為內部來源與外部來源兩大類型。內部來源指的是企業內部的自行研發。外部來源包括購買機器設備、技術授權、購併、合資或研發聯盟等(Lane&Lubakin,1998)。當企業自行研發的經費過於龐大時,使得成本大幅提高,則外部來源的技術取得將是企業選擇技術獲得的另一種管道。當企業欲以自行研發取得技術,專利分析後的情報不但能用以掌握產業的發展動向,亦可作為技術研發的重要指標。知識型產業的興盛可以看出專利資訊對企業發展競爭力提昇之重要性與日俱增,並在創新研發的過程中扮演著關鍵性的角色。而其他外部技術取得的活動,例如技術授權、購併、合資、研發聯盟等型式,也可以經由專利分析的事前評估,將相關產業和技術資訊分析後,再決定最適的技術取得方式。 本研究歸納出三個層面的技術取得方式影響之因素,分別為非技術面之專利分析、技術面之專利分析、企業特性等三個層面。其中非技術面及技術面之專利分析由專利分析文獻歸納而來,為本研究的主要影響變數。但在探討技術取得之影響因素文獻,歸納出技術和組織此兩影響因素,故在此架構中再加入企業特性此影響因素來探討。故企業特性在此架構中可視為一干擾或調整變數。企業本身經由此三個層面的考慮,進而決定其要採取何種”最適的”技術取得的方式。 關鍵字: 專利分析, 自行研發, 外部技術取得


Abstract Patent Analysis can track how the patent strategy of your competitors has varied over time and analysis the patent portfolio of potential acquisition targets. The patent Map trends in who is patenting in particular technical fields and identify the most prolific inventors in a field for recruitment/poaching purposes. The patent analysis also can provide visually stunning reports that make your point most persuasively and accelerate innovation by providing research staff with a powerful patent analysis tool and identify potential collaborators, licensees and infringers. Patent Analysis is crafted for a particular company and the criteria are deter- mined in coordination with senior management. Such tailored competitive intelligence is an asset of the kind that can work to grow other assets. Unlike information concerning your competitors' current activities, the Patent Analysis can give insight into the future activities of competitors, or an industry, and how your company stands relative to the others. For example, has used the Patent Analysis to consider the activities of a few of its competitors in several technological areas, as well as the industry trends indicated by the combined data. This company coupled the Patent Analysis with an Intellectual Property Audit to create its Worldwide Patent Strategy. Firms typically are engaged in the acquisition of knowledge on the technology market and cooperate actively in R&D with other firms and research organizations. Using patent data from the Community technology Survey on manufacturing firms, firms that are only engaged in a single innovation strategy, either internal R&D activities or sourcing technology externally, introduced fewer new or substantially improved products compared to firms which combine internal and external sourcing. This result is consistent with complementarities between own R&D and external technology sourcing activities. Furthermore, the different patent innovation activities are strongly positively correlated and identify common drivers, resulting in the perceived complementarities between these patent innovation activities. An important finding is that a capacity to strategically protect intellectual property and a more basic R&D base which may serve as an absorptive capacity, they are important common drivers for the different patent getting activities. Keywords: Patent Analysis, own R&D, external technology sourcing activities


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