  • 學位論文

含2-胺基-4, 6-二甲基嘧啶配位基 與一價銀化合物合成與結構之研究

Synthesis and Structures of Silver(I) Complexes Containing 2-amino-4, 6-dimethylpyrimidine Ligand

指導教授 : 陳志德


經由金屬起始物AgX (X = NO3{, ClO4{和PF6{)及Ag2SO4與配位基2-Amino-4, 6-dimethylpyrimidine (adp)的反應,可獲得Ag(Ⅰ)的錯合物,其分子式如下: 化合物[Ag(NO3)(adp)]n,1 ; [Ag(ClO4)(adp).H2O]n,2 ; [Ag4(SO4)2(adp)2(H2O)4]n,3 和[Ag(PF6)(adp)2],4以上所有化合物的結構均已利用X-ray鑑定之。 化合物1-3為高分子,而化合物4則是一個單核金屬化合物。化合物1-2利用Ag及O原子分子間作用力以及C{H---O及N-H---O原子的氫鍵,使得分子間的連結形式構成螺旋狀的長鏈。化合物3中包含兩種形式之硫酸根離子鍵結模式,使得分子間的連結形式構成網狀的長鏈。化合物4是利用Ag及F原子分子間作用力以及C{H---F及N-H---F原子的氫鍵而形成的帶狀分子。


A series of silver (I) complexes of the types [Ag(NO3)(adp)]n,1; [Ag(ClO4)(adp).H2O]n, 2; [Ag4(SO4)2(adp)2(H2O)4]n, 3 and [Ag(PF6)(adp)2], 4 have been prepared by reactions of AgX (X = NO3{, ClO4{, PF6{) and Ag2SO4 with adp (adp = 2-Amino-4, 6-dimethylpyrimidine) in methanol solution. All the complexes have been structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography, FT-IR and 1H-NMR spectra. Complexes 1 - 3 are coordination polymers while complex 4 is mononuclear. Complexes 1 - 2 form helical chains which are interlinked through a series of Ag---O interactions and C-H---O and N-H---O hydrogen bondings. The SO42- anion in complex 3 shows both 2- bridging and 3- bridging bonding modes. In complex 4, the molecules are interlinked through extensive Ag---F, C-H---F and N-H---F interactions to form molecular bands.


1. ( a ) G. R. Desiraju Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1995, 34, 2311.
( b ) G. R. Desiraju Chem. Commun. 1997, 1475.
2. G. Wilkinson (Ed.), Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry, 1987, vol. 5, p. 786.
3. M. C. T. Fyfe, J. F. Stoddart, Acc. Chem. Res. 1997, 30, 393.
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