  • 學位論文


The Preparation and Properties of Polymer Electrolytes based on PAN/LiClO4/Clay

指導教授 : 陳玉惠


本論文主要探討奈米級蒙脫土在複合高分子電解質中的影響。因此在本研究中製備出一系列以PAN (polyacrylonitrile) 為主體的複合高分子電解質,並探討一有機改質蒙拖土AA-MMT的添加對PAN高分子電解質的影響。由離子導電度測試的結果,得知本研究所製備的複合高分子電解質在添加7wt%AA-MMT及F=0.6LiClO4組成下,其30℃之導電度可達2.44×10-4S/cm,此導電度在固態高分子電解質中已達可應用範圍。經由DSC熱分析儀、紅外線光譜儀(FT-IR)、固態核磁共振光譜(Solid-state)、與Powder X-ray diffractometer等儀器研究所製備之複合高分子電解質其各成分間作用力和分散型態。此外,利用線性掃瞄伏安法(linear sweep voltammetry, LSV)和循環伏安法(cyclic voltammetry, CV)探討高分子電解質的電化學穩定性。由結果顯示,本研究所製備的高分子電解質有不錯的電化學穩定性與高氧化破壞電壓(4.7V vs. Li/Li+),並且與鋰金屬之間有好的相容性,與適當的電極材料搭配之下,預期將可製備成具實用價值的鋰金屬二次電池。




The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the montmorillonite clay on composite polymer electrolytes(CPE). A series of composite polymer electrolytes based on PAN were prepared, and discussed the effect of addition of an organophilic montmorillonite clay, AA-MMT, on the composite polymer electrolytes. The best conductivities obtained at room temperature is 2.44×10-4 Scm-1 for 7wt% AA-MMT and 0.6LiClO4 per PAN repeat unit. The interaction and the structure of the system are also analyzed by the results of DSC measurement, FT-IR spectroscopy, solid state Li NMR, and XRD diffraction. Furthermore, we also studied the electrochemical stability of the composite polymer electrolytes by linear sweep voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry. The above result revealed that the polymer electrolytes prepared in this study have good electrochemical stability, high oxidation breakdown voltage (4.7Vvs.Li/Li+), and good compatibility with the lithium metal electrode, indicating that the as-prepared composite polymer electrolyte is a potential electrolyte for improving the properties of lithium polymer secondary batteries.


polymer electrolytes


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