  • 學位論文

由供應鏈夥伴關係探討手機製造廠評選供應商之研究— 以手機連結器為例

Study on Supplier Evaluation of Mobile Phone Manufacturers from in Aspect of Supply Chain Partnership – Case of Mobile Phone Connector

指導教授 : 林賜德


企業為了有效地在市場上競爭,必須擁有稱職的供應商,而供應商亦必須能夠在有效的時間內提供高品質且價格合理的原物料或零組件,因為廠商所生產的產品品質最終決定在其供應商的能力上。供應鏈的夥伴關係正表現出這種相互依賴的合作關係。供應鏈夥伴關係是指在供應鏈中兩個獨立的企業個體為了達到某一特定目標和利潤所維繫的一種關係,此兩個體通常為供應者和買者或顧客,同意在一定的期限內分享彼此資訊並共同承擔風險,藉著降低成本減少存貨來提高雙方在財務或作業上的績效。 隨著個性化、時尚化的消費潮流興起,手機製造廠為滿足消費市場的需求,必須推出更多的手機款式來因應,幾年前手機的產品生命週期平均還有18個月,隨後變為12個月、9個月到現在的6個月;而各大廠間為搶佔市場佔有率紛紛祭出「機海戰術」以為因應,並逐漸蔚為風潮。與個人電腦平台不同的,行動電話並沒有像Wintel般的強勢標準存在,且個性化的需求下,要求的是外觀的與眾不同,所以每當一款新的手機進行開發,手機連結器就必須依據其機構進行重新設計,且在2004年開始彩色手機、照相手機逐漸成為主流,相關的開發數量、速度、資金及能力,使得手機製造廠對客製化程度高的連結器供應商選擇,已經不能以一般採購評選供應商的標準來因應,而是必須與之建立起夥伴關係,以確保其手機能順利且及時推出進入到消費市場。 本研究的結果顯示,手機製造廠對連結供應夥伴所重視的,相較於以往學者對選擇供應商之研究品質、成本、交期、服務,除了品質及交期仍然是最為重視的之外,專家在評選手機連結器這類「量身客製」的零件時,對「研發工程管制能力」、「綠色環保產品能力」、「資訊交換系統能力」的重視度已經提升至一個非常重要的地位。這個訊息,無論對手機製造廠或零組件供應商而言,都有其進行觀念調整之必要,方能在這競爭日益強烈的產業環境中安身立命及穩定成長。


Since the quality of products is based on the capability of suppliers, an enterprise to compete in the market effectively needs to have competent suppliers who can supply high quality and reasonable price materials in time. The partnership in supply chain utterly shows the cooperated relationship. “Supply Chain Partnership” means the relationship between two independent enterprises who in order to achieve a certain goal and revenue, agree to share each other’s information and shoulder each other’s risks by reducing cost and stocks. Due to the springing trend of individuality and modernity, mobile phone manufacturers must launch more styles and designs than before to meet market’s need. The average life cycle of a mobile phone was 18 months a few years ago, but now it only lives 6 months. Influencing by the stress of short life cycle, major players start to practice the strategy of “great quantity but low price” with the intention of grabbing the market share. Gradually, in order to compete with each other, more and more mobile manufacturers use the strategy in the mobile phone market now. Different from personal computer that has hard standard, Wintel, mobile phone products put emphasis on their housing. Hence, while a new mobile phone starts to design, the connectors of it must be redesigned base on its machinery. Moreover, as colorful and camera mobile phones become the main stream products, mobile phone manufacturers must put much more efforts on their developing quantity, speed, capital and capability. They, as a result, cannot use general purchase examination to select their connector suppliers who have to highly custom-make to meet their purchaser’s need. Mobile phone manufacturers and their connector suppliers, therefore, ought to establish partnership to ensure the mobile phones can be launched to market in time. This research indicates that mobile phone manufacturers have changed their view on selecting connector suppliers. In the past, mobile phone manufacturers emphasized on what professional has conclude: Quality, Cost, Delivery and Service (QCDS). But now besides two most important conditions, Quality and Delivery, mobile phone manufacturers pay much more attention on capabilities of “RD and QC”, “Environmental Protection ” and “Information Exchanging System” when they select connector manufacturers, the suppliers who need to custom-make components for their purchasers. This information shows that not only mobile phone manufacturers but also component suppliers have to change their concept about the partnership among each other with the aim of existing and growing in this competitive market.


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呂楊琰(2007)。供應鏈跨國化後之品質管理研究 —以資訊產業個案為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200700861
