  • 學位論文


Study on Policing Service Recognition Difference and Satisfaction between Publics and Police – Case of Taoyuan

指導教授 : 林賜德


以「顧客至上,民意為先」的理念,落實執行「為民服務」工作,政府的施政才能受到民眾的認同與肯定。服務是警察最有利的法寶,故警察機關應建立「服務導向」的經營理念,才能提升服務的品質,提昇民眾的警政滿意度。為民服務是老生常談的工作,惟員警執行「為民服務」工作與民眾的認知上,總是有些差異性,員警可能認為硬體設備、作業流程、反應速度、專業能力及服務態度等方面服務品質已提昇,但站在民眾的立場,前述為民服務工作卻未達到其要求標準,以致於直接、間接對警政滿意度造成了影響,故需充分瞭解影響民眾滿意度的服務品質因素,才能提出最佳服務策略。本研究以桃園縣為例,嘗試就為民服務認知層面「硬體設備外觀」、「硬體設備內裝」、「作業流程」、「反應速度」、「專業能力」、「服務人員」、「警政精進服務」、「犯罪偵查」、「犯罪預防」、「特種行業取締」、「交通執法」、「科學蒐證」及「警政資訊揭露」等十三部分構面,分別就民眾與員警對為民服務措施的看法,透過問卷調查方式,利用統計方法作認知上相關性及差異性分析,以及在認知差異上對警政滿意度影響程度,進一步的分析研究,並提出應改進措施或策略規劃,以提供警政單位參考。 分析發現:1.專業能力、反應速度、作業流程及犯罪預防等四方面與警政滿意度相關程度最高。2.改善警察風紀、警察多參與社區活動及媒體對警政工作正面報導等,與將有助提昇為民服務滿意度的同意程度亦均有顯著的正相關。建議警政單位可優先加強改進專業能力、反應速度、作業流程、犯罪預防、改善警察風紀、警察多參與社區活動及媒體對警政工作正面報導等措施與策略,積極作為,以提昇員警工作效能(率),進而提高民眾對警政措施的整體滿意程度。 另民眾與員警不同身分在為民服務認知中,「反應速度」、「犯罪偵查」、「犯罪預防」、「特種行業取締」及「交通執法」等構面的警政措施滿意度上,有顯著的差異性。員警與民眾相較之下,員警在該警政措施滿意度的認知上,均比一般民眾為高,有認知上的差異。在以「顧客為導向」的前提下,如何縮短外部顧客(民眾)與內部顧客(員警)警政措施滿意度認知上的差距,有必要優先從「反應速度」、「犯罪偵查」、「犯罪預防」、「特種行業取締」及「交通執法」等方面加強改善,以提昇警政措施滿意度。民眾與員警不同身分在「改善警察風紀」及「參與社區活動」等干擾變數,認為將有助於提昇為民服務警政滿意度的同意程度上,有顯著的差異性。員警與民眾相較之下,民眾在認為將有助於提昇為民服務警政滿意度的同意程度上,均比員警為高,有認知上的差異,要提昇警政措施滿意度,在「改善警察風紀」及「警察多參與社區活動」工作上亦應予以重視。 依據上述民眾與員警在為民服務警政滿意度的相關性及認知上的差異,綜合提出:1.建立「服務導向」共識。2.建立「品質管理」共識。3.建立「警察行銷」共識。4.建立「顧客導向」共識等四大共識之建議,以作為改進為民服務警政措施與策略之參考。


Only the conception of “Customer First & Public-Opinion Preference” to be ascertained on the job of “Serve to the People”, can the government be recognized and affirmed by the public in administering government affairs. Services are the most favorable talisman for police, so the police organization shall establish an operating notion of “Service Orientation” to enhance servicing quality and satisfying level of the people to the police administration. “Serve to the People” is a cliché, but it does have some dissimilarities if the police may perform it on the job recognized by people. The police may assume that the service quality has been enhanced in terms of the hardware equipment, operating process, responding speed, and professional capability, in fact, at the public’s stance, is the aforesaid work having yet achieved to the demanding benchmark, so that satisfactory degree of the police administration is directly and indirectly affected. Therefore, what is the key point to affect the public’s satisfying degree shall be clarified and making a comprehensive understanding prior to the optimum service strategy able to offer. This research is to take the Taoyuan County as an example, trying to make an analysis of the recognizable correlation by statistics manner and through the questionnaire survey in the thirteen aspects as the appearance of hardware equipment, content of hardware equipment, operating process, responding speed, professional capability, service person, refined service by the police administration, reconnoitering crime, criminal precaution, clamping down on particular business, traffic enforcement, scientific collection, and publicizing the police administration. A further research on the viewpoint of people and the police is to analyze the satisfying degree that how much could it be affected by the recognized difference, and to propose an improved measure or strategic project, then, submit it to the police administration authority for references. Analysis Discovery: 1. The highest satisfactory degree is the professional capability, responding speed, operating process, and criminal precaution, which are relating to the police administration. 2. Improvement of the Police Discipline; the police frequently participating in community’s activity, and the media making the positive report on the police administration works shall be greatly helping the consent level in satisfactory degree of the service, which is also having a distinct and positive correlation. We suggest that the police administration authority may preferentially reinforce and improve the professional capability, responding speed, operating process, criminal precaution, improvement of the police discipline, participating frequently in community’s activity, and assistance in media’ positive report on the police administration work, so as to behave actively and enhance the police’ working efficiency, and further to increase the integral satisfying level of the people to the police’ administration measures. There is a definite difference between the people and the police in the cognition of “Serve to the People” because of the dissimilar identities, the cognition of which is aiming at satisfactory degree of the police administration measure in respect of the responding speed, reconnoitering crime, criminal precaution, clamping down on particular business, and traffic enforcement. Under a comparison between the people and the police, in the cognition of satisfying level of the police administration, the latter is higher than the former. Such a recognized dissimilarity, under the premise of the “Oriented by Customer”, how to shorten the distance between the exterior customer (the people) and the interior customer (the police) at the cognition of satisfying level of the police administration shall preferentially improve the responding speed, reconnoitering crime, criminal precaution, clamping down on particular business, and traffic enforcement to enhance satisfactory degree of the police administration. In the interfering variable of “Improvement of the police discipline” and “Participating community’s activity”, there is a definite difference in the consent degree that both the people and the police with different identities assume it would be helpful to enhance satisfactory level of the police administration. Under a comparison between the people and the police, in the cognition of satisfying level of the police administration, people who think that it would be helpful is higher than the police, the difference of which in cognition shall be highlighting the works of “Improvement of the police discipline” and “Participating community’s activities”. According to the abovementioned difference between the cognition and the correlation of satisfactory degree of the police administration at the issue of “Serve to the People” made by both the people and the police, we synthetically propose the four major common consensus as; (1) Establish common consensus of the “Servicing Orientation”,(2) Establish common consensus of the “Quality Management”, (3) Establish common consensus of the “Marketing of the Police” and, (4) Establish common consensus of the “Customer Orientation” for the reference to serve the people, and improve the police administration measure and strategy.


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