  • 學位論文

企業策略與產業聚群之關聯性研究 -以台商數位相機廠商為例

A Research on Relationship between Business Strategy and Industrial Cluster Development -Taiwan Digital Still Camera Industry as an Example

指導教授 : 李國瑜 博士 嚴奇峰 博士


摘 要 台商數位相機產業鏈在中國大陸儼然成型,但產業聚群現象的方式不像其他產業的台商密集,而分別依企業所處的時空環境下,分別於珠江三角洲(珠三角:東莞、佛山)、長江三角洲(珠三角:昆山、吳江)設廠。本研究藉由對台灣前五大數位相機廠商的個案研究,提供生態策略及網絡策略的新構想,輔以產業發展之整體生命週期,以提供企業釐清本身於產業之定位及於各時期的相關策略及產業聚群的現象。本研究的議題有: (1)研究廠商之生產模式、核心能力對於地理區位上選擇之影響;(2)產品生命週期對廠商生態及網絡上之定位選擇與組織策略的影響;(3)探討該廠商之網絡及生態組織策略角色選擇與產業聚群的型態之關係與滿意度;(4)分析該產業於台灣、珠三角及長三洲聚群之建構與解構及競合現象。 經文獻探討、產業及個案分析後,本研究將數位相機之產業整體週期依序區分為導入期、技術鴻溝期、整合成長期、市場鴻溝期、寡占成長期、成熟期、生命盡頭轉型期等七個時期。 本研究採個案研究及深入訪談之方式,將數位相機廠商之組織定位及策略予以說明及推論其確切的執行是否符合。如何掌握企業於複雜的產業生態網絡中的角色,擬定適時、適地、適宜的經營策略,輔以具有價值鏈的產業聚群,方可為企業謀求最大的獲益,創造企業永續經營的生命,本研究發現之如下: 1.台商數位相機產業移轉至大陸所形成的聚群現象,會因其生產模式與核心能力會有不同之區位選擇。 2.台灣數位相機廠商因其對於生態及網絡策略的定位不同,所採行之組織策略亦有所差異,輔以整體產業發展之生命週期、BCG矩陣策略之動態分析,對應個案企業實際策略符合者,較能在多變的產業中創造較有利的生存條件,反之,則逐漸退出或轉型。 3.依本研究所發展生態(專才、通才)網絡(介入程度)之組織策略矩陣發展,台灣數位相機廠商策略選擇分為「利基型專才」、「依賴型專才」、「支配型通才」、「基石型通才」四種組織,分別對應「差異策略」、「跟隨策略」、「統合策略」、「協同策略」四種策略,於其所處的地理區位及整體產業生命週期中,產業之聚群現象因建構時期與歷程之不同,會產生不同的聚群類型、聚群型態,及聚群滿意度,組織化程度越高的聚群,其聚群類型產生的效應越佳,且後續設廠之意願越高;而組織化程度較低者,如能透過妥善運用聚群中的集體效率,降低經營成本,亦可將經營績效提高。 4.長三角的數位相機之產業聚群現象已逐漸產生,但所形成的結構與珠三角相比仍不如珠三角之架構穩固,雖然長三角之數位相機及其周邊產業之發展帶動之下發展快速。短期內尚無法吸引珠三角的數位相機廠商前往設廠。預期將來會形成兩地區相互間又競爭,又合作的局勢。而最近兩年,已有廠商在大陸已設置研發單位,雖說多數以支援台灣研發為主,但亦有漸漸將低階之數位相機委由當地研發單位設計的趨勢發生,這可說台灣數位相機已有逐漸解構之隱憂產生。 企業可以BCG矩陣策略及產業之「多重鴻溝型生命週期曲線」,運用本研究所發展之「企業生態網絡策略矩陣」概念,將企業於產業生態網絡中之角色予以定位,且發展相對應之企業策略,配合聚群環境,創造有利企業競爭的條件。


Abstract The industrial value chain of digital still camera(DSC)have neatly formed by which Taiwanese traders invested in mainland China, but the industrial cluster unliked other Taiwanese invested industries because of different situation and condition. They established their factories in Dong-Guan and Fo-Shan of Pearl River Delta, Kun-Shan and Wu-Jiang of Yangtze River Delta. This research studied cases of the top five Taiwanese DSC manufacturers, provided new conception of ecological strategy and network strategy and assisted with whole life cycle of industries development in order to clarify themselves the positioning of the enterprise the position relative strategies in each stage and industries cluster. The discussion topics for this research were: (1)To study the influence of choosing geographical region regards to industries’ production model and core competency;(2)to observe the influence of product life cycle regards to industries’ position ecology and network with organization strategy;(3)to research the influence of network and ecology of organization strategy choosed by industries regards to the relationship and satisfication of industries cluster status;(4)to analyze the situation of industries cluster constructed with Co-operation. After reviewing literatures and analyzing industry with cases, the author separated the life cycle of DSC into 7 periods –i.e. introduction period, technology chasm, renovation, markets chasm, oligopolistic development, maturity And ending –changing periods. This research used methods of case study and depth interview to explained the organization position and strategy for DSC industry, also infer whether the execution was fit or not. This research studied how to control the enterprises’ role under the complicated industrial ecological distribution making appropriate operation strategy assisted with the value chain of industrial cluster and eventually achieved greatest profit with permanent operation. The research findings are as follow: 1.The cluster situation had different regional choice for Taiwanese DSC industry which moved to mainland China as result of their production model and core competency. 2.Taiwanese DSC vendors adopted different organization strategy resulted from their different position the ecology and network strategy. Assisting with the ecological analysis of the life cycle and BCG matrix model for whole industrial, business were more easier to create their competitive advantages, or they should transform or be out otherwise. 3.According to the developed concept in this research-ecological (professionals or generals) network’s ( involved level) organizational matrix strategy, Taiwanese’s’ DSC vendors has four different choice –the four different organizations of “niche type professional”, “dependent professional”, “dominant general”, “basic general” to match with four different strategies of “differentiation”, “following”, “interconnected ”, and “collaborating” strategies. Under geographical area and the whole industries’ life cycle with the differentiation constructing timing and progress of the industrial cluster had caused different cluster kind, different cluster style and different cluster preference –The higher the degree of organized cluster, the better performance and stronger willingness to establish new factory it has .The businesses in lowly organized cluster can improve their performance and cut down the cost through collective efficiency. 4.Although the industrial cluster of DSC inYangtze River Delta was gradually found, the construction was not as stable as in Pearl River Delta’s framework, even though the development was encouraged rapidly by the growth of DSC and relative industries. It is predictable that the co-opetitire situation will happen between these two delta areas. Besides, some Taiwanese industries already established their R&D department, however the tendcy to authorize to local R&D department to do some basic DSC in Taiwan model. That will be worrful for situation Taiwanese DSC industries for deconstruction of cluster become more obvious. Enterprise can use the tools of BCG model and“the multiple chasm life cycle theory”of industry, as well as“the enterprise ecological network strategy matrix”developed in this research to relocation themselves in the ecological network. And enterprises can further develop business strategies according to their cluster situation and conditions so as to create their competitive advantages.


拓墣產業研究所(2004),“DSC業進入第二階段淘汰賽”, 台北:拓墣產業研究所。


邱煥奎(2007)。產業聚群與企業策略關係之研究 -以台灣連接器產業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200700684
