  • 學位論文

學齡前幼兒之人際衝突研究: 社會地位、衝突解決目標與策略之探討

Interpersonal conflict of pre-schooler: Social status, and conflict-resolution goals and strategies

指導教授 : 王琳


摘要 幼兒在幼稚園與同儕互動過程中,不可避免的會發生衝突。個體在衝突情境中的解決策略行為,常能影響同儕間的接受程度。當個體的解決策略不能有效的化解衝突而讓衝突持續發生時,就會影響到人際的互動,進而影響到個體在團體中的社會地位。因此,衝突解決策略對個體的社會互動有其重要性。由訊息處理理論得知,個體選用特定的衝突解決策略是受其目標設定的影響。研究也指出隨著個體年紀漸增,目標設定會因社會經驗的歷練而變得更不易改變。故若能及早發現不同社會地位幼兒在衝突解決目標設定與解決策略使用上的差異,可透過後天教育,幫助他們瞭解及學習較合宜的解決方式。本研究的目的是探討不同社會地位的幼稚園幼兒,在衝突情境中設定目標與選擇策略的差異。 研究對象是桃園縣兩所幼稚園大班學生,樣本74人。幼兒的社會地位是以「社會計量地位調查問卷」得之,而幼兒解決衝突所設定的目標與選用的策略則以研究者改編之「幼兒衝突解決目標與策略問卷」測得。結果以單因子多變量變異數分析、重複量數變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。 研究結果發現,在衝突情境中,受歡迎、被拒絕、受忽略與一般的幼兒不論是在「追求個人興趣」、「依循正確的社會規範」、「保護資源」還是「處置對方」等每一特定目標設定上,均沒有因社會地位不同而有不同。而受歡迎幼兒在四種目標中,較少設定會想讓對方不好過的「處置對方」目標。在衝突解決策略方面,受歡迎、被拒絕、受忽略與一般等不同社會地位幼兒,在「尋求其他資源」、「尋求他人幫助」等積極正向處理衝突的策略,「行動主張」、「肢體攻擊」等積極負向處理衝突策略及消極不直接處理衝突的「離開衝突現場」等每一特定策略選擇上,並沒有因社會地位的不同而有所差異。且研究結果也顯示,在人際衝突情境中,不論所希望達到的目標是為了滿足自我需求的「追求個人興趣」、依循規範的「依循正確的社會規範」、希望避免資源受破壞的「保護資源」,還是想懲罰對方,讓對方不好過的「處置對方」目標,不同社會地位在每一策略選擇上也沒有不同。由於研究結果與預期不符合,推論原因可能是與問卷呈現方式及性別因素有關。 由於研究結果顯示,被拒絕幼兒也會使用積極正向的衝突解決策略,故本研究建議,幼兒之教師、家長應對幼兒不當之行為適時提出糾正、並透過各式活動設計教導幼兒習得多元的衝突解決方式,建立尊重他人的觀念,以減少幼兒產生對同儕喜好度不利的負向衝突解決行為。由於除研究方法的採用外,性別因素也會影響社會地位與衝突解決目標、策略的關係,故未來研究應更深入的將各影響因素做探討,以釐清變項間的關係。


Abstract Kindergarteners will encount conflicts with peers. The strategies a child chooses to resolve a conflict can affect his or her acceptance within the peer group. Therefore, conflict solving strategies are very important elements to a child’s development of social behaviors. The Information Processing Theory suggests that the strategy a child adopts is based on the goal he or she wants to accomplish, and that such goals become consistent as the child ages. This research investigates the differences in conflict strategy selection and behavioral goal setting among children of different social statuses. The subjects were 74 children selected from two kindergartens in Taoyuan City. The social status of a pre-schooler was obtained from the “Sociometric Status Questionnaire”. The conflict goal setting and strategy solving were obtained from the “Pre-schoolers’s Conflict Goal Setting and Strategy Solving Questionnaire”. The data were analyzed statistically with MANOVA and repeated measures variable analysis. The social statuses of the pre-schooler were classified as being “popular”, “rejected”, “neglected” and “average”, while the behavioral goal setting were categorized as “achieving personal goal”, “following the social norm”, “protecting resources” and ”taking revenge on others”. The research results showed that the pre-schooler’s behavioral goal settings are independent of their respective social status. It was however observed that “popular” pre-schoolers are less likely to “take revenge on others” when faced with the dilemma of goal setting. The conflict solving strategies were categorized as active positive, active negative, and passive. Active positive strategies involve “seeking external resources” and “seeking help from others”, while active negative strategies involve “active endeavoring”, “physical action”. “Yield” is classified as a passive strategy. The research results again showed that the children’s conflict strategy selections are independent of their respective social status. These unanticipated results may be attributable to factors such as the way of measurment, and the choice of sociometry and gender. The research showed that even “rejected” pre-schoolers would use active and positive strategies when encountering conflicts. It is therefore instructive for parents and caregivers of preschoolers to correct improper behaviors and teach the important concept of respect for others. Efforts should also be put into designing activities that help the children to develop acceptable conflict strategy selection. Gender might contribute to the differences resolution in conflict between different social statuses. Future researches should account for such factors to expound the relationships between these variables.


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