  • 學位論文


Multiple Social Comparisons: The Relative Variations of the Self-Evaluation and the Evalution of Others

指導教授 : 孫蒨如


本研究主要從三人比較的角度出發來探討多重社會比較對個體自我評價的影響。過去有關社會比較的研究主要著重在探討二人之間的比較,忽略了現實生活中多重社會比較的可能性。因此本研究採用對個體重要的評價向度,將比較情境控制在比較他人與個體相似的情況,並觸發個體的不同自我層面,來觀察三人多重比較時不同相對表現對個體自我評價的影響。 一百七十三名受試者隨機分派至3(個體的相對表現:最好vs.居中vs.最差)× 5(觸發情境:觸發個人我組vs.觸發整體社會我組vs.觸發社會我A組vs.觸發社會我B組vs.不觸發組)的二因子受試者間設計。結果顯示,在觸發個人我的情況下,表現最好組與表現居中組的自我評價均顯著高於表現最差組,產生了對比效果;而在觸發整體社會我的情況下,不同相對表現的各組其自我評價則無顯著的不同,產生了類化效果。有趣的是,在研究中也發現在三人比較情況下,當個體同時面對一位自我延伸的「自己人」和「相對他人」時,會產生不同的社會比較效果。討論的部份著重在探討三人比較情況下,個體的自我評價與對他人評價的相對變化。


While most of the previous research focused mainly on two-person comparison situations, the present research was aimed at exploring the effect of multiple social comparisons on self-evaluation. The author employed a three-person paradigm to study the variations in self-evaluation as a function of the relative performance and self-construal activation. One hundred and seventy three participants were assigned to different experimental conditions. Relative performance was manipulated by letting participants believed that their performance was the worst among three persons, better than person A but worse than person B, or better than both Person A and B. The other independent variable was self-activation, participants were primed with a personal self, a social self, a social self with person A, a social self with person B, or no prime at all. The results indicated that a contrast effect occurred when the personal self was activated. Individuals who performed the best and the second best had significantly higher self-evaluation than those who performed the worst. When the social self-construal was activated, as predicated, an assimilation effect occurred and there was no significant difference in self-evaluation among individuals with different performance. A two-stage model of multiple comparison processes was also proposed to explain how individuals would evaluate themselves when they were either activated a social self with person A or person B and meantime with the other person as a contrast standard. Further implicated were also discussed.


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