  • 學位論文

情緒勞務與服務品質關聯性之研究 -以航空業地勤人員為例

The Relationship between Emotional Labor and Service Quality - The Example of Ground Staff of Airlines

指導教授 : 吳美連


論文摘要 隨著全球國民所得增加、消費能力和生活水準不斷提昇,及全球經濟的脈動,出國旅遊、從商的機會日益提升,進而逐漸帶動了國際機場業務的蓬勃發展。企業為顧客提供服務的整體觀念與服務品質皆大幅提升,企業員工為提升顧客滿意度,必須表現正向情緒的情緒勞務,成為現今發展的趨勢。 本研究有別於過去大多數探討情緒勞務負擔的結果變項的研究,以個人變項及情緒負擔為前因變項,探討其對服務品質的影響,以期協助企業了解並降低員工的情緒勞務負擔。 除了進行相關的文獻探討之外,本研究亦透過問卷調查方式,以台灣桃園國際機場某家航空業地勤公司為研究對象進行實證研究。發出250份問卷,回收228份,有效樣本回收率為91.2%。經統計分析之後,歸納出下列幾點研究結論及提出相對的建議: 1. 年齡與情緒勞務之基本的情緒表達顯著正相關:表示年齡較長的員工愈能瞭解公司所規定應表達的基本情緒為何。本研究建議地勤公司應好好善用這些已在該公司工作的年長且經驗豐富的員工,以降低流動率的發生。 2. 不同教育程度在情緒勞務認知之互動程度上具有顯著差異:即教育程度高者在情緒勞務負擔的互動程度認知較低者為高,本研究建議地勤公司可參考以教育程度做為在招募第一線員工的評核標準,不需要招考教育程度高者,反而有較配適的人力運用。 3. 深層的情緒偽裝與服務品質之反應性、確實性有正向影響:表示員工認知工作所需要的深層情緒偽裝程度愈高,其服務品質的反應性愈高; 員工認知工作所需要的深層情緒偽裝程度愈高,其服務品質的確實性愈大。本研究建議地勤公司加強引導員工在工作中產生的深層的情緒轉化或排除,以避免員工情緒勞務負擔的產生。 4. 與顧客互動程度與服務品質之確實性有顯著關聯性:表示員工認知工作所需的互動程度愈高,其服務品質的確實性則愈低。顯示服務人員與旅客、客戶互動程度愈高,其與旅客、客戶較無法建立雙方信心。本研究建議地勤公司在成本考量下,加強第一線工作人員的配置。 綜合上述結論,企業必須了解員工的個人變項、情緒勞務與服務品質,針對不同個人變項所造成的情緒勞務負擔與不同情緒勞務所造成服務品質的影響,提出有效的處理方式,以降低員工情緒勞務負擔的產生,達到客戶所要求的服務品質,以完成組織的共同目標。 關鍵詞:情緒勞務負擔、基本情緒表達、深層情緒偽裝、互動程度、服務品質


Summary Due to the factors of increasing income, consuming ability and living standard, the interaction of global economic and opportunity of traveling oversea for both pleasure and business have been gradually climbing up, which also help the international airport business to grow up.The directions of the new flow are companies trying to create a full range and higher services standard for their customers and employees having a positive emotional labor for making a better consumer satisfaction. This study is different from most researches in the filed of emotional labor burden. It is about the cause and affect between emotional labor and service quality. It also helps the companies to realize their direction and to lower the employee burden on emotional labor issue. This paper is based on not only from the relevant researches, but also through a mass survey and deep study on a ground handling company in TTY Airport Taiwan. There are 250 questionnaires delivered, 228 completed, valid sample 91.2%. After cross analysis on that information, there are few conclusions and suggestions below: 1. Relation between ages and emotional labor: Older employees have a better understanding of company principles.Therefore, ground handling companies need to pay more attention on listening those senior or older employees in order to lower the turn over rate. 2. Relation between educational status and emotional labor: An employee who has a higher educational background is easily having a greater emotional labor burden. Therefore, for a better multi job function rotation in the future, the ground handling companies need to recruit a lower education degree person for their on line operator. 3. Relation between deep emotional disguise and responsiveness and accurance in service quality: A responsiveness in service quality indicates the employee knows more about the importance of deep emotional disguise from the job. A higher accurate service quality indicates the employee knows more about the importance of deep emotional disguise from the job. For minimizing the burden of emotional labor, ground handling companies need to reinforce their guidance ability on helping their employees to convert the emotional transition stage or remove the burden from their job. 4. Relation between interaction with customers and accuracy in service quality: A lower accurate service quality indicates the employee knows more about the importance of the interaction with customer from the job. A more active relationship between customers and ground handling employ will cause a difficulty to build up the confidence between them. As a result, ground handling companies need to increase the dispatch frequency or number of employee based on the consideration of cost. In conclusion, efficient solutions for different deep emotional burden caused by different employee is the way for aviation business to lower their employee’s and to increase their service quality. Keyword: burden of emotional labor, expression of basic emotion, deep emotional disguise, interaction degree, service quality.


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