  • 學位論文

兩岸文化差異之比較 —以K公司製造部門為例—

The Cultural difference of Taiwan and Mainland China -Make the Manufacturing Department of K Company as the Example

指導教授 : 王如鈺


由於全球經營環境的改變,企業的全球化(Globalization)與全球經濟的區域化(Regionalization)已成為一種必然的趨勢。面對多元而複雜的國際經濟環境外,國際企業組織中存在著獨特的多元文化及文化差異,跨國公司必須在環境中建設具有母國公司特色的企業文化,樹立共同的價值標準、道德標準和行為模式等,凝聚不同文化共同實施公司的經營策略。 台灣企業為尋求企業擴展而於兩岸投資的同時,在管理上必須有「跨文化管理」的觀念,必須考慮如何管理這些來自不同地區,不同政治文化背景,不同宗教,不同風俗習慣及不同價值觀的員工,進而提昇生產效率及管理績效,使兩岸員工努力目標與企業組織的目標結合,藉以增加組織國際競爭力。基於上述之原因,本研究主要在探討海峽兩岸在國家文化價值觀之「個人主義」、「權力距離」、「不確定性避免」、「男性作風」、「長期導向」等五大構面之差異及對管理的影響。


Due to the change of the global management environment, the globalization of enterprises and the regionalization of global economy have already become a kind of inevitable trend. In addition to the diversified and complicated international economic environment, international enterprises have unique multi-culture and cultural difference. The transnational corporation must build the enterprise culture with the characteristic of national company, establish the standard of common value, moral code and conduct mode….etc, in order to condense all the different cultures to implement the management tactics. When Taiwan enterprises invest in China for organizational expansion, they must have the concept in “cross-cultural management” to consider how to manage the labors from different area, different political culture background, different religions, different customs, and different view of values, in order to promote the production efficiency and performance, integrate the goal between staffs and enterprises, and to increase the international competitiveness. On the basis of the reason described as above, this research is to probe into the Individualism, Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity, and Long-term Orientation of the national cultural value between Taiwan and China, and the impact on management.


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