  • 學位論文

永續植栽應用於社區閒置土地 ~以大溪埔頂重劃區之家庭菜園為例

Applying Permaculture on community idle land: case study on the home garden at Pu-ding redevelopment area,Da-Si

指導教授 : 戴永禔


台灣由農業走向工業社會,農地逐漸減少、農村因人口外移而逐漸沒落,現代工業化社會的居住聚落對資源的依賴度高,且大多數居住聚落只耗費資源而不生產,在工業化發展至今,居住的人們開始思考並期望以回歸自然的方式來健康的生活。在「永續栽植」的概念中提到一個小規模、低耗能且高生產率的農業方式是可行的,於是台灣郊區開始出現利用閒置空地開始進行耕種的自給自足鄰里生活圈。 本研究以「家庭菜園」為主要研究範疇,家庭菜園中種植的作物不僅可作為自家的日常食物,多餘的作物更可分送給鄰居,藉由不同家庭菜園的互相交流,也讓「在地智慧」透過此方式傳遞與保存,本研究選擇以大溪鎮埔頂重劃區的一處私人家庭菜園為研究基地,探討照顧家庭菜園的研究對象如何仿效自然並運用自然的元素來栽種作物,以其能回歸自然並達成自給自足的生活方式。 研究者以田野調查方式記錄作物生長狀況及當地居民互動交流,並以實地訪談並記錄研究對象如何運用自然元素,如風、日照、水、土壤等與在地智慧,在研究基地上進行作物的種植,紀錄後將研究基地的生活圈範圍界定出來,並歸納居民的生活方式,探討研究對象如何透過家庭菜園來實踐永續栽植設計並分析對研究對象本身與鄰里社區產生的效益。


Taiwan’s evolution of society is from agricultural to industrial. The rural land declined due to gradual reduction of cropland and outflow of rural population. The current residential settlement of industrial society has high dependence on resources and low volume in productivity. In the post-industrial society, human being starts to cultivate lifestyle that is centered on natural and healthy living. The concept of Permaculture suggests that a small scale, low-energy-consumption and high yield agricultural system is feasible. We discover that self-sufficient communities in rural areas that use the idle land to grow crops with Permaculture design begin to emerge in Taiwan The research will focus mainly on the scope of “Home Garden”, where its produce serves as daily supply to family food and the surplus is distributed to neighbors. The local knowledge is passed on and preserved as residents share experiences among each other. This study utilizes a home garden located on a piece of idle land in redevelopment zone Pu-ding Da-si township as the research base and expounds how the object emulates natural ways to grow crops and create a sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle. The researcher conducts field study in which she records crops condition, and interaction among residents. In addition, the research includes home visits and documentations that feature research object’s utilization of natural elements such as wind, sunlight and soil to grow the crops. The research aims to redefine the parameter of living area as well as inductions of lifestyle of residents. The researcher intends to explore how the object practices Permaculture and analyze its effectiveness to neighborhood and herself.


Local Knowledge Permaculture Home Garden Idle Land


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