  • 學位論文


The optimal green supply chain inventory model considering deteriorating products, imperfect production process and rework

指導教授 : 黃惠民


由於環保意識高漲,環保議題已不再侷限於動植物,更是擴大至人們的日常生活,其中更包括所有日常用品,於此背景下,人們應思考產品如何再利用及降低廢棄物對環境的汙染等,從企業的角度而言,唯有投入更多關注於綠色處理,才能符合目前趨勢與環境保護之要求,故逆向供應鏈的投入是必須的。相對於傳統的製造,正向與逆向供應鏈逐漸成為當下的關鍵,而正向與逆向供應鏈即為綠色供應鏈。而現今產品大多具有損耗的特性,加上產品生產過程中存在各種人為或非人為因素,使得企業無法保證百分之百良品生產,故損耗性與不完美生產則為綠色供應鏈中不可忽視的。 本研究以單一製造商生產單一損耗性綠色產品為對象,不考慮機台閒置、故障與維修,於EPQ允許缺貨模式中加入逆物流,考量不完美生產之背景及伴隨的重工,將此反應在存貨模式中,且於此模式下建立相關之成本項,以單位時間總成本最小化為目標,求解單一週期中之各階段時間,包含生產時間、停產時間、缺貨時間、補足缺貨時間,並透過數值範例進行驗證。本研究利用數學軟體Maple 13作為求解輔助之工具,再由敏感度分析找出影響此綠色供應鏈之關鍵參數。


Environmental consciousness and environmental protection are not only related to plants and animals but also applicable to our daily activities. Thus, people should consider how to re-use stuff in order to reduce the environmental pollution. Likewise, more emphasizes on green processing are appropriate with the green movement viewed from enterprise perspectives. Compared with the traditional manufacturing, both forward and reverse chains are key factors in green supply chain. Most of products have deterioration characteristics, and production processes susceptible to various human or non-human errors, therefore enterprises cannot guarantee 100% good quality products. In this study, we investigated an EPQ model with backorder for a single manufacturer and a single green deteriorating product. The proposed model considers reverse logistics, imperfect production and rework. The aim of the inventory model is to minimize the total cost per unit of time. Finally, numerical examples are given to verify the model. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to identify critical parameters in the model.


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