  • 學位論文


Visual and Annotation Effects on User Behaviors of Selecting and Answering Web Survey

指導教授 : 王筱惠 賴錦慧


由於網路問卷平台能夠快速製作問卷、廣泛蒐集樣本、即時分析數據等,因此、越來越多的問卷發送者與受測者開始於網路問卷平台上進行調查研究。然而,網路問卷平台經營也有其挑戰,包括:(1)網站上各份問卷填答率不平均,導致網站的問卷無法蒐集到足夠有效樣本;(2)問卷蒐集樣本範圍具誤差性,無法蒐集到問卷設計者最適合的受測者樣本;(3)受測者需要花費許多的時間心力從問卷列表中挑選問卷,間接影響受測者的填寫態度;種種因素都會降低研究結果的準確性。為了解決上述所提出的問題,本研究提出一套具明示與暗示引導效果之網路問卷列表,透過視覺效果(Explicit Visual Aid, EVA)的吸引,以明示的方式來吸引填答者填答,並搭配註解的功能(Implicit Annotation Aid, IAA),註記問卷缺乏的受測者與推薦程度,以暗示的方式來告知受測者適合填答此份問卷。並分析明示視覺效果與暗示註解功將對網路問卷受測者在從問卷列表中選擇問卷時,其填答意願與問卷選擇負擔等心理上的影響,也進一步的觀察各問卷所被選擇的分佈情形,分析出 EVA 和 IAA 引導受測者選擇特定問卷的成效。 本研究將實驗的組別共分成四組,其中為傳統式的問卷列表、具視覺效果的問卷列表、具註解功能的問卷列表與具視覺效果與註解功能的問卷列表,並透過網路問卷的發送來蒐集研究數據。研究結果發現了,明示與暗示性的吸引皆能達到引導填答的效果,且同時搭配明示與暗示的引導效果最佳,其接受推薦的比例達60%。透過ANOVA分析結果發現,受測者於各種不同形式的問卷列表中,選擇問卷時所產生的心理負擔與所花費的時間上,並無達到顯著差異,而填答意願的部分則發現了,加入了明示與暗示引導效果的問卷列表,填答者的填答意願較高,且若能同時應用於問卷列表中,將能顯著的提高填答者的填答意願。


Web survey becomes increasingly popular because internet platform can offer the advantages of fast survey creation, wide sample collection and real-time data analysis. However, web survey also faces challenges, mainly from unbalanced sample distribution and low participation willingness. Unbalanced Distribution includes Unbalanced Answering Rate of listed surveys and Improper Sampling. Therefore, we propose Explicit Visual Aid (EVA) and Implicit Annotation Aid (IAA) for directing users to answer the specific surveys assigned. We investigate the effects of EVA and IAA with a 2x2 cross-section study design through four different survey listing pages. Our research results show the synergy of EVA and IAA can successfully lead users to select the surveys recommended to them with a 60% acceptance rate. The results also show that 60% acceptance rate, compared with list without aids, can lower Distribution Deviation of listed surveys to one-third. Furthermore, in terms of user psychology, EVA and IAA improve users’ willingness of answering surveys. In brief, this thesis focuses on how to improve web survey sample distribution and users’ willingness of participation. Using ANOVA Analysis, the synergy of EVA and IAA has the best effect, while EVA has even better performance than IVA through post-hoc tests. As regression test is applied, the raise of willingness can lower users’ burden when they are selecting and answering surveys.


Chen, I., & Yen, J. (2013). Hypertext annotation: Effects of presentation formats and learner proficiency on reading comprehension and vocabulary learning in foreign languages. Computers & Education, 63(1), 416-423. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2013.01.005
