  • 學位論文


Development of A Quality of Service Model for Mobile Cloud Computing

指導教授 : 項衛中


近年來行動裝置和網路發展越來越發達,行動裝置的普遍程度已經比桌上型電腦更高,達到人手一機或更多的情況,行動裝置的快速崛起提升人們生活的便利性,也造就了資訊產業新的榮景。在軟體方面,每天都可以看到新的應用程式誕生,這些程式結合創意、行動裝置和網際網路,提供使用者更為便利和滿意的服務。現今各種裝置、應用程式與雲端服務的推出,服務水準的需求不只限於傳統的網路通訊服務品質,而擴展成滿足使用者需求的服務品質。 本研究提出建置行動雲端運算服務品質模型的流程,以供使用者和開發者建立所需的服務品質模型,使用者藉此可以了解行動應用程式的服務品質狀態;開發者也能了解使用者反應,進而設計使用者所需的應用程式。本研究使用電子郵件和雲端硬碟來說明行動雲端運算服務品質模型的建構程序,讓使用者了解模型的流程並可應用於其他行動應用程式中,輔助使用者選擇與開發行動應用程式。 經由本研究分析電子郵件與雲端硬碟的結果,電子郵件與雲端硬碟由於功能上的差異造成服務品質不同;電子郵件擁有的即時通知功能是雲端硬碟目前無法做到的,而雲端硬碟擁有傳送連結和分享檔案的方式則比電子郵件方便許多;電子郵件和雲端硬碟皆透過帳號登入來保護使用者,雲端硬碟需要更高的安全性層級來讓使用者設定與分享檔案;效率和滿意度則根據使用者的需求而不同;使用者需求為擁有大量檔案需要儲存與分享會選取雲端硬碟,當使用者較在意即時取得新訊息,則電子郵件可以滿足使用者需求,藉由本研究讓使用者依造模型選擇符合所需的行動應用程式並節省決策的時間。


Recently, mobile devices and internet technology were evolving rapidly and mobile devices were getting more popular than desktop computers. The permeation of mobile devices not only made people's lives easier, but also brought up information industry to a new era. New mobile applications come to market every day, these applications integrate mobile devices and the internet with creativity, and they provide more convenient and satisfactory services. Therefore, the definition of quality of service (QoS) needs to expand and cover the fields of mobile device, mobile application and cloud computing service. This study proposed to develop a QoS Model for Mobile Cloud Computing. The model is a framework for providing quality information of mobile applications for users and developers. The user decides to download the application or not based on the QoS information and the developer can design a better application based on specific comments from users. This study demonstrated and validated development processes of the quality model with e-mail and cloud drive applications. Therefore, this model can be applied to other applications for users and developers. The result of the study shows that different purposes of these two applications make two QoS models quite unlike. The e-mail application sends new message to users immediately, but the cloud drive does not work like that. The cloud drive provides users to share and store their photos, films and files in great amount, but email servers have lower storage limitations. When users want to share information with others with mobile devices, they could select their applications based on the quality models from this study. Therefore, users choose an application to match their requirements with fewer efforts.


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