  • 學位論文


Study on improvement of IC bend lead rate after final test

指導教授 : 張國華


中文摘要 近年來,全球整體景氣受到歐洲諸國倒債影響,經濟成長普遍不佳,半導體產業也受到相當程度地衝擊,並隨著全球產業趨勢,紛紛將亞洲地區的生產基地,移往中國大陸生產,台灣半導體產業除了要承受全球景氣低迷不振,也必須面對中國大陸的低價競爭,在景氣低迷與競爭激烈之下,客戶端又對品質、成本、交期與服務…等的要求越來越高,唯有高效率、高品質的製程技術,才能於競爭激烈的市場存活下來。 本研究主要目的為改善IC(Integrated Circuit , IC)產品測試後彎腳率之研究,運用QC(Quality Control , QC)手法並結合實驗設計(Design of Experiments , DOE),找出影響設計、製程能力與產品良率之關鍵因子,對改善項目提出解決方案,本研究應用26-1部分因子實驗設計法,藉由部分因子實驗大幅減少實驗次數,並在既有的設備之下以最經濟、有效的方法取得有用的數據,應用變異數分析(ANOVA)與迴歸分析進行實驗資料分析,求得生產最佳參數條件組合,IC彎腳率在本例中已獲得明顯的改善。


Abstract Economic growth has been slowing amid concern of the spread of European debt crisis during these years. Semiconductor industry has suffered the impact and followed the global business trend to transfer production base from Asia to China. Under this difficult circumstance, the Semiconductor Industry at Taiwan still has to face fierce competitiveness of price and harsh challenge by customer’s request for higher quality, cost, delivery and service. Higher efficiency and higher process technique are the only solution to survive this competitive market. This study aims to improve bend lead rate after IC (Integrated Circuit) testing and provide solution by identifying key factors that affects design, process capability and product yield through the method of QC (Quality Control) tools combined with DOE (Design of Experiment). Factorial design that largely reduced number of experiments is applied for its economic and efficiency to obtain data. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and regression analysis will be later conducted for analysis of experiment results to find optimal combination of conditions for production. It’s observed that IC bend lead has been magnificently improved in this case.


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