  • 學位論文


A Study of IT Helpdesk

指導教授 : 皮世明


IT用戶支援中心作為IT 人員與使用者的第一線溝通管道,當資訊服務使用者滿意度下降時,各部門管理階層對資訊單位的不滿的聲音就會如潮水般湧入。不僅對於努力工作的IT人員不公平,對於IT部門在公司中的定位,也有很大的影響。因此,找出影響資訊服務品質滿意度關鍵因子,並予以改善,是提升資訊部門價值的主要方式。 本研究以某汽車製造公司為對象,探討該企業內部顧客對於IT用戶支援中心抱怨真正的成因,藉以提升IT 用戶支援中心的服務品質與滿意度,減少顧客抱怨數。參考之前學者針對服務品質特性、IT服務、量測機制、ITSM服務管理等文獻基礎,以求以既有的理論基礎在IT 用戶支援中心的範疇內,找到較佳的應用。 本研究以問卷發放方式及既有資料庫探索,透過具體數據清楚分析內部員工對於資訊服務的需求角度與滿意指標。 問卷數據分析結果顯示該公司用戶對於IT用戶支援中心的服務普遍感覺到可靠,專業技術也可滿足用戶的需求,最大的不滿來自於有形的硬體或系統使用介面。,建議硬體使用租賃方式,每三到四年及更換設備,可確保有形性硬體維持在一定的使用水平。另外,部分工程師對於IT用戶支援中心所指派的問題,不論是表現在回應時間的積極度或是表現在專業程度的案件處理時間都落在後段區塊。建議應施以輔導或重新分配工作,以確保服務品質能達到使用者所期望的服務等級。 透過本研究結果,該公司可以真正了解使用者對於IT用戶支援中心的心聲與滿意程度。進而提出改善方案,改善IT用戶支援中心的體質,使其更貼近該公司的商業流程需求,以彰顯該IT用戶支援中心的價值。


IT helpdesk is the first line of communication channels between IT department and end users. When user’s satisfaction becomes lower, all voice of dissatisfaction from management will be a huge pressure. It not only for hard working IT staff is unfair if the satisfaction estimation is incorrect accurate, for IT departments in the company's positioning, but also have a great impact. Therefore, identify the impact of IT service quality satisfaction key factors, and be improved, is to enhance the value of IT department major way. In this study, as the object of a car manufacturing company to explore the real causes of internal user’s complaints to IT helpdesk. Through it to promote the service quality and satisfaction of IT helpdesk, reduce the number of customer complaints. Reference to the learned literatures about service quality, IT service, measurement mechanisms, IT service management and ITIL to find a better application of IT helpdesk. In this study, I used questionnaires and exploring existing database as the method. Through questionnaire data analyzing to identify the dissatisfaction factors and real demand of end users. Questionnaire data analysis showed that the company's IT helpdesk for IT users generally feel reliable service, technical expertise but also to meet the needs of users, the greatest dissatisfaction from the physical hardware or system user interface. , It is recommended to use the hardware leasing, every three to four years and replacement of equipment, ensuring tangible hardware to maintain a certain level of use. In addition, some engineers for IT helpdesk assigned problems, whether it is manifested in the response time of a positive performance in the professional degree or a degree of case processing time fall posterior segment blocks. Proposal should be subject to remedial or reassign work to ensure quality of service the user can reach the desired level of service. Through this study, the company can truly understand IT helpdesk for users aspirations and satisfaction. Then put forward to improve the program, improve IT helpdesk constitution, to be closer to the company's business process requirements, to highlight the value of IT helpdesk.


IT helpdesk ITIL service quality


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