  • 學位論文

運用精實六標準差導入彩色濾光片製程之案例研究 -以CF的PS製程為例-

Applying Lean Six Sigma in Color Filters manufacturing process – A case study of CF PS process

指導教授 : 黃博滄


近年來政府大力推動科技業的發展,液晶顯示器的產品也不斷推陳出新,目前正是4K2K高階析度及3D面板的產品開始蓬勃發展的階段,政府及民間都投入相當龐大的人力、物力與財力,從事相關產業的材料開發與生產,如何不斷改善製程降低成本提高良率亦為各面板廠的一大課題。 本研究以提升彩色濾光片(Color Filter, CF)製程的感光間隔 (Photo Spacer, PS) 首件成功率為研究目的,以精實六標準差(Lean Six Sigma, LSS)工具為研究主軸,利用DMAIC的手法,透過生產線取得相關資訊與數據分析,進行改善感光間隔製程首件成功率之研究。由於彩色濾光片為薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display, TFT-LCD)之主要組合要件之一,因此要如何提升感光間隔的製程首件成功率及如何減少產能的損失為主要目標。主要指標為導入首件時間之成功率,以期減少產能的浪費,另外,次要指標為在維持品質及良率的前提之下,提升整體產能之效益。 實驗過程運用精實六標準差手法,將DMAIC分階段導入,於定義階段,針對彩色濾光片製程中的感光間隔製程首件時間成功率做為改善目標,以期提升產能,減少首件失敗降低產能的損失;量測階段,透過自動光學檢查機(Automated Optical Inspection, AOI)及巨觀檢查(Macroscopic, MACRO)獲得數據後,進行MSA分析;分析階段,藉由製作因果矩陣分析,列出所有相關作業,層別出改善之主要變因,針對關鍵變因問題,訂定改善方案;於改善階段,藉由分析階段得到的關鍵因子進行評估改善,導入縮短首件時間計畫,並於排程中優先進行量測及調整機台之手法,使改善後的指標皆有達成目標;控制階段,應用管制計畫圖來控制重要因子,提升首件時間成功率達到穩定的效果,最後,制訂改善後的規則並移交該負責人持續維護及控管。 本研究結果證實藉由精實六標準差的五個階段的實施,能使感光間隔製程首件成功率由65% 提升至80%,證明首件時間成功率獲得顯著的改善。明確的方法與架構,使得改善方案得以實踐,再結合統計工具快速分析、找出對策,針對問題執行改善達成目標。


In recent years, the development of technology industry is vigorously impelled by the government. Taiwan's LCD industry is focus on developing new products, such as 4K2K high-resolution and 3D panels, which now becomes booming. The government and the folks all invest great amount of manpower, the physical resources and the financial resources, and also and devote to the related industrial material development and the production. It is an important issue for panel makers to improve the production rate, reduce the cost and enhance the yield rate. The purpose of the research is to increase the first success rate of Photo Spacer (PS) in the Color Filter (CF) manufacturing process. The research applies Lean Six Sigma (LSS) as the main tool. In order to obtain related production line information and data analysis, DMAIC technique is used with data to improve the first success rate of PS in the manufacturing process. Because CF is one of the main material and component in the Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD), it is important to find out how to increase the first success rate of PS in manufacturing process and to reduce the loss of capacity as the core target. In order to decrease the waste of the capacity, the major target is to introduce first success rate into production process. Moreover, the minor target is to improve the efficiency of whole capacity. DMAIC of LSS was phased in step by step during the experiment process. Firstly, In the stage of Definition, in order to increase capacity and reduce the loss of it, it was focused on the way to improve the first success rate of PS in the manufacturing process. Secondly, the data were obtained by AOI and MACRO, and then it were analyzed by MSA system during measurement section. In the Analysis section, Cause & Effect Analysis Matrix was used to present all the related subjects and differentiate the major variables. The proposal was offered to improve key variables issues. For Improvement stage, the proposal was soon applied to phase in the process to decrease the loss of time. The measurement and the modification of machine were proceeded firstly. Finally, for control step, using control plan matrix helped us control critical factor of first success rate easier and more stable. After setting modification rule, it was transferred to a member who was in charge of maintenance and control. The result of research proved that by implementing DMAIC phase of LSS, the first success rate of PS increased from 65% to 80%, which showed a great improvement. The main reason was clear methods and structures enabled proposal to be practiced. Statistics tools and quick analysis helped us to find the strategy and reach the target.


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