  • 學位論文


The study on management strategies of the corporate by VRIO framework analysis

指導教授 : 盧昱蓉


摘要 隨著社會型態轉變,人類生活品質與水準各方面逐漸提升,但在人們享受各種隨科技發展改變所帶來便利之餘,全世界能源與資源因過度開發使用也開始有逐漸耗竭現象。1970s年代環境保護觀念此類議題經過學者專家特別研究及討論,使得消費者環境保護意識開始抬頭,世界各地發展先進之國家,如美國、歐洲、日本等已開始對於環境保護立定相關法規並給予環保相關產業大力支持,因此環境保護的重要性已影響至全球。 台灣屬於海島型國家,能源資源取得不易,大部分需仰賴從其他國家進口。儘管隨著已開發國家作為先驅開始推動環保產業,我國政府雖然對環境產業開始重視,但前期仍舊僅著重於回收破銅爛鐵階段,之後伴隨著光電半導體科技產業於我國日益發展,其所造成之廢棄物廢溶劑因處理不當而衍生的危害事件層出不窮,政府才逐漸開始針對科技業所產生廢棄物、廢溶劑進行回收處理制定相關法規,並努力推廣發展資源回收產業。 我國回收產業雖顯示逐漸成長趨勢,但仍屬於少數特殊產業。我國大部分回收公司依然使用傳統舊型生產設備,導致國內回收處理產業規模無法擴大成長,且回收業在國人眼中仍屬於下級層次並帶給社會大眾負面觀感。本研究主要以全球環保產業發展趨勢與我國目前整體回收產業之總體資源發展作為前提,以相關回收溶劑公司為研究標的使用VRIO分析為基礎理論深度訪談結構,再以該公司內部環境資源訊息進行公司策略、技術價值、員工組織、產品獨特性、產品稀有性等與其他相關企業比較,此外也引用訪談內容對該公司進行SWOT、五力分析,希望能見微知著藉此了解我國總體回收產業之競爭策略及產業生態為本研究主要目的。


VRIO 訪談法 五力分析 關鍵詞:SWOT


Abstract With changes of social patterns, the quality and standard of human being's life are progressively improved in all aspects. However, while people enjoy the convenience that brought from the changes of new technologies, meanwhile, the world's energy resources are been overexploited and depleted gradually. In 1970s, environmental protection became one of the most important issues that studied and discussed by many academics and experts, and it allows consumer’s awareness of environment begin to rise. The advanced countries around the world, such as America, Europe and Japan have begun establishing environmental regulations and given supports to environment-related industries. Therefore, the importance of environmental protection has been affected to the world. Taiwan is an island country with a lack of many energy resources; people mostly need to rely on imports from other countries. Although, many developed countries are promoting the environmental protection industries and influenced our government to start involving such recycle business, yet the government only had focused on scrap metal recycling in early stages. After electro-optical and semiconductor technology industries are growing strong, it accompanied the large number of hazardous waste and caused serious incidents continually. It forces the government began to attach importance of solvent waste disposal and recycle industry development, also further formulated relevant laws and regulations. Even though, the recycle industry shows continuously growing but still considered as a small and niche industry. Most companies remain using old models of production equipment. This phenomenon restricts the recycling business scale in domestic market, let alone the recycling industry is classified as lower level of business and usually brings the negative impression to community. This research is based on developing trends of global environmental protection industry, current overall resource of recycling industry in Taiwan, and to analyze a local solvent recycling company as an object by using VRIO framework, interview structure, SWOT and Five Forces Analysis to conclude company’s strategy, technical value, employee organization, product uniqueness and product rarity in order to recognize the whole competitive strategies and industrial ecology of recycling industry through the observation of the part as the main purpose of study.


26.Lester R. Brown著,蕭秋梅譯,生態經濟革命,揚智文化事業股份有限公司,1999年,10月。
