  • 學位論文

製造業服務化經營模式策略之研究 —以陶瓷產業為例—

A Study of the Servitization in Manufacturing Industry Strategy – The Case of Ceramics

指導教授 : 顧志遠


臺灣曾經擁有「陶瓷王國」的美名,在民國70年代,陶瓷製造業曾經興盛一時,是人們生活中不可或缺的物品,然而隨著時代的潮流以及人類文明的腳步,出現許多其他的代替性產品,致使陶瓷產業不再是人們唯一的選擇,甚至因為許多大廠至大陸設廠投資,使其產生「大者恆大,小者恆小」的經營模式。 「製造業服務化」(Servitization)概念最先由Vandermerwe&Rada(1988)提出,並解釋為「製造企業由僅僅提供物品或物品與附加服務,朝向提供“物品─服務包”的轉變」。在歐美等先進國家,製造業服務化的發展愈來愈普遍,若以我國而論,從產業結構的GDP來看,服務業占GDP的比重最高,多年來一直維持在六成以上,但我國陶瓷產業因人工成本等因素大量外移至東南亞及大陸地區,陶瓷業已由過去製造業,逐漸轉變為服務業及注重美學的文創產業。 本研究以Osterwalder四大構面九大要素組成之經營模式,以陶瓷產業如和成集團等3家公司作為個案產業經營模式,並分析三家產業相同相異處,在各種設計及樣式技巧之下,嘗試經營模式的改變與創新,對於如何複製成功的經營模式策略,是許多人最為關切的問題,因此說明產業如何因應環境的不同建立不同的經營模式與策略對產業而言是非常重要的。 本研究採用質性研究法,以個案訪談及書面資料收集輔之,訪談陶瓷產業中具有代表性的3家廠商為研究對象,經由大量次級資料分析,及深度訪談之下,配合產業特性及資料彙整後,以Osterwalder經營模式為模型,分析歸納產業製造業服務化的經營模式相同與相異處,並對陶瓷產業提出建議與結論。 關鍵字:陶瓷產業、製造業服務化、Osterwalder、經營模式


The concept of servitization is usually traced back to the work of Vandermerwe and Rada (1988), and interpreted as "The change of manufacturing enterprises from merely providing goods or additional goods and services towards providing service package". In Europe and other advanced countries, the development of servitization of manufacturing has become increasingly common. Terms of our country is concerned, from the point of view of industrial structure of GDP, the service sector accounted for the highest proportion of GDP, has been maintained at over 60%. But our ceramic industry due to a large number of external factors such as labor costs, has migrating to Southeast Asia and mainland China. Ceramics from the past manufacturing are gradually transform into cultural and creative or service industries. This study according to the business model of Osterwalder, and proved by three ceramic groups as a servitization of manufacturing business model in Taiwan. Skills in a variety of designs and styles below, try to change the business model and innovation, and how to replicate successful business model strategy is the foremost concern of many people, explain how the industry in response to the different environment to create different business models and strategies. This study used qualitative research methods by case interviews and written data collection supplemented to the ceramic industry representative three vendors for the study. Through a large number of secondary data analysis, and under-depth interviews, with the industry characteristics and data collection, using the business model of Osterwalder as a model, to analyzed and summarized the same and differences servitization of manufacturing business model, and to make recommendations and conclusions of the ceramic industry. Key word:ceramic industry、servitization of manufacturing 、Osterwalder、Business model


1.Robert S.Kaplan and David P. Norton、陳逸瑛(2004年6月),策略地圖,城邦文化事業股份有限公司。


