  • 學位論文


Impact Analysis of Built Environment on Walking to School for Elementary Students-A Case study of Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 廖祐君


過去台灣交通發展狀況,道路設計多以汽機車為主要對象,較缺乏提供行人空間的概念,所以造成人行道(含騎樓)設計上,只是具備基本的通行功能,對於安全性的考量備受忽略。而學童、老人或身心障礙等弱勢族群需要更完善的步行環境,同時,也因為學童具有身心發展尚未健全、身體較成人脆弱以及容易分心等的特性,在交通事故中,學童被認為是最容易死亡或是受傷的族群,所以學童通學環境的安全性尤為重要。 桃園市政府於民國96年起推動走路上學深耕計畫,與靖娟學童安全文教基金會合作,鼓勵家長讓學生以走路上學代替搭乘汽機車上學,達到促進親子互動、節能減碳、認識社區、強健體魄等效用。該計畫旨在改善學校周邊環境與全面加強交通安全教育,使學童擁有安全無虞的通學環境。然而,實際現況中部分桃園市國民小學各別有周邊行人設施缺乏、人行道有障礙物、車流量大、汽機車違停、汽機車不禮讓學童、缺乏行人號誌等問題,造成學童步行通學的便利性與安全性降低。   綜上所述,本研究主要以鼓勵學童步行通學為目標,探討學校周邊建成環境因素對國小學童步行通學的影響。研究範圍為桃園市各行政區(復興鄉除外)之國民小學,研究對象為國民小學學童,主要研究方法為多元線性迴歸分析,以學校周邊建成環境因素及社會經濟因素作為建立多元線性迴歸模型的基礎。學校周邊建成環境因素分為交通工程設施、周邊道路服務水準、土地使用類型;社會經濟因素分為學校周邊房價、汽機車接送數量,探討各變數對於學童步行通學的影響關係。


In the past, planning the design of vehicular transportation was the main object of governments in Taiwan. The pedestrian design only showed basic functions and lacked of safety. Children, the elderly and the disabled need a safer environment for walking. In particular, children are not fully physically and mentally developed and lead to being weaker and more distractible than adults. As a result, it is generally recorded that children are more seriously injured in traffic crashes than other groups. Therefore, the commuting environment is particularly important for children. The Taoyuan City Government and Jing Chuan Child Safety Foundation promoted the Walk-to-School program in 2007 to encourage parents to walk their children to school rather than driving them. The program was in expectation of improving parent-child relationships, reducing carbon emissions, getting to know their community, upgrading children’s fitness, securing safe commuting environment, and so on. However, in reality, surroundings of Taoyuan primary schools have such problems as lacking pedestrian walking infrastructure, with obstacles in pedestrian lanes, high traffic flow, illegal parking, motor vehicles not giving way to pedestrians, and absent of pedestrian traffic signals. All of these have an effect on children’s safety and comfort when walking to school. In summary, the main objective of this study was applying multiple regression model, to explore the impact of built environment on the safety of walking to school for elementary students. The studied groups were all primary school districts in Taoyuan City except Fuxing District. The factors of built environment were categorized into (1) traffic engineering facilities, (2) roadway performance, and (3) land use types. The socio-economic factors were also included as (1) average property prices around schools, and (2) the pick-ups by motor vehicles to and from school. This paper concluded by detailing the impact of each variable on children walking to school. Keywords: Walk to school, Built environment, School children, Multiple regression model


