  • 學位論文


A Study on Warranty Liability of Medieval House Sale

指導教授 : 姚志明


土地、房屋,乃民生的基本需求,是國家的生存命脈也是保存財富的重要方式。許多人畢其一生積蓄,才得以購買房地產居住,而買賣行為,自古有之,迄至今日,頻繁依舊,其發生糾紛最多亦最雜。 不動產個別差異性大,難以建立公開市場、相關法令繁複、專業性高,據內政部不動產資訊平台及台北市地政局2011年至2015年公布之不動產消費爭議態樣,統計資料顯示,透過仲介業買賣中古屋所佔比率最大。是以,將其發生爭議態樣歸納,整理出買賣中古屋簽約之前、中、後各時期及買賣四階段流程中各別應注意事項,介紹買賣發生糾紛時,當事人之處理途徑,並建議當事人辦理成屋履約保證制度,以維護交易安全。然而,發現成屋履約保證制度,名為保證但其履約保證範圍主要界定在「收付款之安全保證」。物之瑕疵及權利瑕疵、房地點交等,例如:坪數不足、違約金之求償等,並不在成屋履約保證範圍內,又成屋履約保證制度,目前並無專法約制。   本文第三章分析買賣契約權利瑕疵擔保責任與物之瑕疵擔保責任之區別、效力及其特約免除與限制。第四章介紹瑕疵擔保責任與其他相關概念之區別,例如:瑕疵擔保責任與錯誤、物之瑕疵擔保責任與不完全給付責任、同時履行抗辯權、物之瑕疵擔保責任與危險負擔之移轉等,法律如何規範,判決實務上各級法院看法是否一致。 第五章以法院判決之實際案例,就常見中古屋買賣瑕疵擔保及其他爭議案例作研究與分析,例如:坪數不足、大樓有結構性瑕疵、凶宅…等,該等瑕疵法院如何認定,各級法院見解是否一致,出賣人是否應負擔保責任,並於最後作個人評析。不動產買賣交易時,關於瑕疵擔保責任之發生時點、如何事前防範,均影響雙方財產權至鉅,因此,以中古屋買賣瑕疵擔保責任為本論文研究之重點,希望以筆者不動產實務經驗加以法學之學習,提出建議,增長自我智識,期能對社會有所助益。 土地、房屋,乃民生的基本需求,是國家的生存命脈也是保存財富的重要方式。許多人畢其一生積蓄,才得以購買房地產居住,而買賣行為,自古有之,迄至今日,頻繁依舊,其發生糾紛最多亦最雜。 不動產個別差異性大,難以建立公開市場、相關法令繁複、專業性高,據內政部不動產資訊平台及台北市地政局2011年至2015年公布之不動產消費爭議態樣,統計資料顯示,透過仲介業買賣中古屋所佔比率最大。是以,將其發生爭議態樣歸納,整理出買賣中古屋簽約之前、中、後各時期及買賣四階段流程中各別應注意事項,介紹買賣發生糾紛時,當事人之處理途徑,並建議當事人辦理成屋履約保證制度,以維護交易安全。然而,發現成屋履約保證制度,名為保證但其履約保證範圍主要界定在「收付款之安全保證」。物之瑕疵及權利瑕疵、房地點交等,例如:坪數不足、違約金之求償等,並不在成屋履約保證範圍內,又成屋履約保證制度,目前並無專法約制。   本文第三章分析買賣契約權利瑕疵擔保責任與物之瑕疵擔保責任之區別、效力及其特約免除與限制。第四章介紹瑕疵擔保責任與其他相關概念之區別,例如:瑕疵擔保責任與錯誤、物之瑕疵擔保責任與不完全給付責任、同時履行抗辯權、物之瑕疵擔保責任與危險負擔之移轉等,法律如何規範,判決實務上各級法院看法是否一致。 第五章以法院判決之實際案例,就常見中古屋買賣瑕疵擔保及其他爭議案例作研究與分析,例如:坪數不足、大樓有結構性瑕疵、凶宅…等,該等瑕疵法院如何認定,各級法院見解是否一致,出賣人是否應負擔保責任,並於最後作個人評析。不動產買賣交易時,關於瑕疵擔保責任之發生時點、如何事前防範,均影響雙方財產權至鉅,因此,以中古屋買賣瑕疵擔保責任為本論文研究之重點,希望以筆者不動產實務經驗加以法學之學習,提出建議,增長自我智識,期能對社會有所助益。 土地、房屋,乃民生的基本需求,是國家的生存命脈也是保存財富的重要方式。許多人畢其一生積蓄,才得以購買房地產居住,而買賣行為,自古有之,迄至今日,頻繁依舊,其發生糾紛最多亦最雜。 不動產個別差異性大,難以建立公開市場、相關法令繁複、專業性高,據內政部不動產資訊平台及台北市地政局2011年至2015年公布之不動產消費爭議態樣,統計資料顯示,透過仲介業買賣中古屋所佔比率最大。是以,將其發生爭議態樣歸納,整理出買賣中古屋簽約之前、中、後各時期及買賣四階段流程中各別應注意事項,介紹買賣發生糾紛時,當事人之處理途徑,並建議當事人辦理成屋履約保證制度,以維護交易安全。然而,發現成屋履約保證制度,名為保證但其履約保證範圍主要界定在「收付款之安全保證」。物之瑕疵及權利瑕疵、房地點交等,例如:坪數不足、違約金之求償等,並不在成屋履約保證範圍內,又成屋履約保證制度,目前並無專法約制。   本文第三章分析買賣契約權利瑕疵擔保責任與物之瑕疵擔保責任之區別、效力及其特約免除與限制。第四章介紹瑕疵擔保責任與其他相關概念之區別,例如:瑕疵擔保責任與錯誤、物之瑕疵擔保責任與不完全給付責任、同時履行抗辯權、物之瑕疵擔保責任與危險負擔之移轉等,法律如何規範,判決實務上各級法院看法是否一致。 第五章以法院判決之實際案例,就常見中古屋買賣瑕疵擔保及其他爭議案例作研究與分析,例如:坪數不足、大樓有結構性瑕疵、凶宅…等,該等瑕疵法院如何認定,各級法院見解是否一致,出賣人是否應負擔保責任,並於最後作個人評析。不動產買賣交易時,關於瑕疵擔保責任之發生時點、如何事前防範,均影響雙方財產權至鉅,因此,以中古屋買賣瑕疵擔保責任為本論文研究之重點,希望以筆者不動產實務經驗加以法學之學習,提出建議,增長自我智識,期能對社會有所助益。


Land and houses are necessity of people’s livelihood, the lifeblood of a country and also the primary way to preserve wealth. There are numerous people who spend their life savings to purchase a house for living. This act of purchase and sale has existed ever since the ancient time, and is still active nowadays; consequently, the disputes aroused from it are of the largest number and also the most difficult. Due to the huge differences in real property, it’s difficult to form an open market, relevant laws and regulations are complicated, and capable professionals are required. According to the statistics of consume disputes about real property released from 2011 to 2015 by the Real Estate Information Platform of Ministry of Interior and the Department of Land, Taipei City Government, the proportion of pre-owned house in purchasing through real estate agencies is the largest. Hereby this paper sorts out the frequently-occurred disputes to find out the issues to be pay attention to in the four stages of purchase and sale as well as before, during and after the sign of sales contracts, introduces the proper handling approaches to the involved parties when disputes occurred, and also suggests forming the performance security system to make sure the trade safety. However, it finds that the scope of the existing performance security system are only limited in the security of payment; the defects in products and rights, the handing over item by item, such as deficit areas and claim of compensation of liquidated damages, are not contained in the system. Besides, there are no laws or regulations governing the performance security system of existing houses. The third chapter analyzes the differences between responsibility for warranty of defect in sales contract and that in things, as well as its effectiveness and exempt and limitation of special clauses. Chapter Four is about the differences between responsibility for warranty of defect and other relevant concepts, for instance, differences between responsibility for warranty of defect with mistakes, differences between responsibility for warranty of defect in things and incomplete performance responsibility, differences between defense right of simultaneous performance, responsibility for warranty of defect in things and risk burden transfer, which mainly introduced how the laws stipulated and whether the views of courts at all levels are the same or not. In Chapter Five, warranty against defects and relevant dispute cases which are frequently seen in sale and purchase of pre-owned houses in practical cases are studied and analyzed, for example, deficit areas, structural flaws in the building and haunted house, to discuss how the courts judge such defects and whether the courts at all levels have the same views or not, whether the seller shall shoulder the responsibility. In the end, personal comments are also proposed. In the transaction of real estate, the factors of timing when responsibility for warranty of defect occurs and ways to prevent it in advance all exert influences on both parties’ property greatly. Therefore, the responsibility for warranty of defect in sale and purchase of pre-owned houses are the highlight of the paper, which expects to propose suggestions based on the author’s practical experience in real estate and his learning in laws and regulations, so as to enrich his knowledge and offer helps to the society.


20.詹森林,民事法理與判決研究(二),台大法學叢書(139), 2001年4月,初版,元照出版公司。
