  • 學位論文

應用「8十商業模式」探討 觸控面板廠商競爭策略之個案分析—以H公司為例

Exploring competitive strategies of a touch panel company through 8 Cross Business Model

指導教授 : 楊康宏


本研究針對觸控產業,從產品的分類至產品的應用及市場深入研究,並且觀察這產業的變化及如何面對興起之紅色供應鏈挑戰。由於產品往往是隨著技術的演進而變化,一家公司如果不能保持技術的領先,難逃被淘汰的命運。而現在這些觸控公司所面臨的不僅僅是技術的挑戰,更加上跨產業、跨國家、甚至政府政策干預等等壓力。所以如何勝出? 誰能勝出? 一直是所有投資機構、研究團隊極感興趣的議題,而本研究就是以H公司為例,研究這產業的狀況及如何走出獨有的道路以贏得勝利,也期望為H公司找到新的藍海。 本研究將以內部環境「8十商業模式」、外部環境PETS及五力分析手法,對有關國家政治、經濟和社會環境全方位分析。並以「8十商業模式」來探討公司現況及未來,做系統性的調整其既有的商業模式以研擬出具體有效之因應對策。研究結果發現,個案受到「紅色供應鏈洪流」及供過於求之影響,使原有「十」字四個頂點的策略目標產生了變化;為因應新局面,需調整連結頂點四條線所代表之執行對策:(1) H公司必須與集團應垂直整合,善用集團關係,找到關鍵的有利點充份發揮槓桿作用,以對集團產生最大之價值。(2) 關鍵資源之整合需納入,包含觸控的技術產能、面板產能、貼合技術產能、組裝成成品的能力以及客源之掌握。(3) 未來加入整合服務模式之價值作業流程後,可以省去中間重覆的作業流程,如再套用現有之電腦及時回饋軟體,客戶將能完全掌握產品進度、及時調度、機動調整不同產品線以因應不同市場之價值主張。(4) 透過垂直整合,導入新的服務模式,獲利來源將不再只銷售觸控面板,而是擴張至成品與半成品組裝收入,進一步地提高H公司獲利能力。


五力 PETS 8十商業模式


This study was focused on touch industry, including the products classification, application and market in-depth study. Besides, we observe the changes in this industry and how to face the challenges which come from the red supply chain. Since the products are often varies with the evolution of technology, If the company can not stay ahead of the technology, it will escape the fate of being eliminated. At this moment, the challenges these companies face not only touch technology, and more on cross-industry, cross-country, and even government policy intervention and so on pressure. So how to win? Who can win? It has been the subject of all investment institutions, the research team of great interest. This research is to the H's case, study the situation and how to get out of this industry unique way to win, but also expect to find a new blue ocean of H Company. This study will be the internal environment, "8 ten business model", the external environment PETS and five forces analysis techniques, the relevant political, economic and social environment comprehensive analysis. And "8 ten business model" to discuss the status of the company and the future, make systematic adjustments to their existing business models to the elaboration of concrete and effective response to countermeasures. The results found that the case affected "red torrent supply chain" and the oversupply of, so that the original "ten" policy target word produced a change in the four vertices; response to a new situation, the need to adjust the four lines connecting vertices represent the implementation of response : (1) H company and its mother group must be vertically integrated, use of group relations, to find the key to the vantage point sufficient leverage to the maximum value of the Group. (2) The need to include the integration of key resources, technical capacity included touch panel production capacity, bonding technology capacity, the ability to be assembled into the finished master and source of. (3) integrated service delivery model of the future value added processes, eliminates the need for intermediate repeated processes, such as re-apply the existing timely feedback of computer software, customers will be able to fully grasp the product schedule, timely dispatch, motorized adjustment of different product lines in response to the different markets of the value proposition. (4) through vertical integration, introducing new service models, profit comes from the touch panel will not only sell, but expansion to assemble finished products and semi-finished products revenue, further improve the H company's profitability.


8 Cross Business Model


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