  • 學位論文


A Study of I lan recognition of cultural Heritage and land Identity

指導教授 : 黃承令


過去40多年來台灣在政府及全國人民努力下,經濟發展快速蓬勃,在經濟起飛的年代所有縣市開始進行產業轉形。蘭陽平原雖然也在發展範圍之內,但和台北間隔著雪山山脈,因此與其他縣市關係及互動並不密切,且受天然地形影響,使得宜蘭發展較為緩慢。近年來政府積極改善台北和宜蘭之間的鐵路、道路等交通運輸系統,但始終無法快速有效的解決交通問題,致使宜蘭在經濟發展上受到限制。 政府自民國71年開始,研擬開闢一條,可由台北市快速連接宜蘭、花蓮之道路,77年4月完成可行性評估後, 80年7月雪山隧道開始施工。 歷經15年,直到民國95年6月,雪山隧道正式啟用通車,原本從台北到宜蘭,需花上90至120分鐘,因著隧道開通,從台北到宜蘭交通順暢時,僅需要45分鐘,大幅縮短了台北宜蘭兩地的交通時間。建設、人潮、觀光隨著隧道開通,湧入原本樸實的鄉村。促使宜蘭在短短的幾年內建設業,投資客、新移民、時髦客與縉紳者相繼進入,造成宜蘭人文景觀急劇的改變。 本研究將以宜蘭歷史發展變遷過程,及雪山隧道開通後的蘭陽平原,空間、地景、人文變化,探討宜蘭在歷史脈絡下如何發展。並分析在地產業興衰和轉形發展過程,以及其他文化產業變化之成因。本論文經由宜蘭整體歷史變遷過程的研究,探討以下兩個問題,茲分如下: 1、本研究試圖探討宜蘭地域性文化,在全球化脈絡下如何發展,以及全球化帶給 宜蘭之衝擊,宜蘭如何在全球化及地域性雙併的發展下取得平衡。 2、深入了解宜蘭在地人文、建設、發展要素,並釐清宜蘭歷史發展之過程,在 地產業經過時代的變遷發展動向,以及未來發展可能。


Efforts of the government and national people for more than 40 years bring rapid and flourishing economic development to Taiwan. In the economic take-off age, all cities and counties are conducting industrial transformation. Lanyang Plain is also in development range, but it has no close interactive relationship with other cities and counties because of isolation from Taipei due to Hsuehshan Mountain Range. Besides, Yilan’s development is slow due to influence of natural terrain. In recent years, the government is positively improving traffic and transportation systems between Taipei and Yilan such as railway and highway, but traffic problem cannot be solved effectively all the same, resulting in limit of Yilan’s economic development. Since 1982, the government began to research a highway rapidly connecting Yilan and Hualien through Taipei. After completion of feasibility assessment in April 1988, construction of Hsuehshan Tunnel began in July 1991. For 15 years, Hsuehshan Tunnel was put into formal use until June 2006. It cost 90 to 120 minutes from Taipei to Yilan in the past, however, it only costs 45 minutes in smooth time after the tunnel is put into operation, which greatly shortens traffic time from Taipei to Yilan. Construction, crowds and sightseeing also enter earthy village, to promote successive entry of construction industry, investors, new immigrants, fashionable customers and officers in a fear years, to cause sharp change of cultural landscape. This study discusses Yilan’s development process under historical context through Yilan’s historical development and change, and Lanyang Plain, space, scene and cultural change after operation of Hsuehshan Tunnel. It also analyzes rise and fall of real estate industry and process of transformation development, as well as factors for other industrial changes. Through research on process of the whole historical change in Yilan, this paper discusses the following two questions: 1. The study tries to discuss how Yilan develops under regional culture and global context, and impact of globalization on Yilan, as well as how Yilan gains balance under combination of globalization and regionalism. 2. It deeply looks into Yilan’s humanity, construction and development factors and clears process of Yilan’s historical development, development direction of local industry after transition of age, and possible development in the future.


Yilan regional local Keywords: globalization


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