  • 學位論文

台灣宣道會在大桃園地區的拓植與經營 (1979-2020)

The Christian and Missionary Alliance church planting work in Taoyuan(1979-2020)

指導教授 : 吳昶興


台灣宣道會於1979年在桃園市中壢區建立宣道會中壢堂,在楊明皓傳道帶領下,1990年拓植生命堂,2004年開拓豐盛堂,2020年開拓八德堂,這些堂會的建立與發展即是台灣宣道會在大桃園地區的宣教史。台灣宣道會在大桃園的宣教乃承襲過去長老會、天主教、聖教會等教派的經營,並發展出自己的特色,規模不特別大,但內聚力卻非常的強,同時又與社區有美好的關係。 本論文特別聚焦在宣道會中壢堂,及其拓植的三個分堂,梳理這四間教會的彼此關係和其中的歷史,並探討教會的牧養與宣教理念,評價台灣宣道會在大桃園地區的眾教會中,有何存在的意義與貢獻。


The Christian and Missionary Alliance established Zhongli Church in 1979 in the Zhongli District of Taoyuan City. Under the leadership of preacher Yang Ming-hao , Zhongli Church planted Life Church in 1990, Fēngshèng Church in 2004, and Bade Church in 2020. The establishment and development of these churches is part of the mission-focused history of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in the Taoyuan area. The C MA inherited its Roots from the Presbyterian Church, the Catholic Church,the Holiness Church, and other denominations. Yet at the same time it developed its own special characteristics. The size of Zhongli Church is not particularly large, but the bond of its members is very strong, and it maintains a good relationship with the community. This essay focuses especially on Zhongli Church and its three branches. It addresses the relationship and history of the four churches; discusses the churches’ pastoral and missionary vision; and evaluates the C MA in Taoyuan regarding its contribution and impact on the surrounding area.


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