  • 學位論文


Research of the Miaoli coastal area traditional rural house contraction behavior-A case study on master craftsman Li Yuanxing

指導教授 : 薛琴


「自有建築研究以來,民宅一直是其關切之主題,不僅是因為民宅是建築中最基本且屬最廣泛的部份,且是因為民宅是個人生命中不可或缺的主要衍生物 」(徐明福,1990)。 由歷史發展脈絡來看,「民居」是一面直接反映出人類社會文化的鏡子。而其語彙所含意義,正是反映當下社會生活與文化發展的媒介;藉以表達並且呈現出一地特有的生活,與其所處環境背景。故,傳統民居實屬最貼近人民生活的基本空間;並真切的反應每一地區的特殊性與地域辨識性。且在將之型體化的過程中,匠師們將世代相傳的匠藝手路,凝聚於傳統民居之上,使其扮演著記錄台灣建築演化過程中,甚為重要的一環。 臺灣中部苗栗海線地區因地形限制,往來交通極為不便,因此早期物資運送僅倚賴人力搬運,進而造成建設上的困難。清末、日治初期已有輕便鐵道及縱貫鐵路的設置,改善往來交通的不便,但仍不敵地區產業的貧乏。尤其苗栗海線實屬經濟開發較緩,人口較少之區域,或因閩、客族群關係、地形限制、產業發展、生活方式、社會變遷等因素的影響之下,漸漸發展出屬於地方性的傳統民居之營造行為。 有鑒於近年來於古蹟、歷史建築等文化資產維護與修復中,傳統匠師與其匠藝資源之斷層現象。在匠師日漸凋零、匠藝後繼無人的今日,傳統民居之營造隨時空荏苒,恐面臨失傳之命運。因此,本研究選擇「苗栗海線地區」之「傳統民居」為研究主題,「在地匠師李元興」與其「營造行為」為研究對象。釐清其所屬年代的苗栗海線地區之開拓發展,與傳統民居營造相關背景,及其從事傳統民居營造之緣由。藉由尋找李元興匠師現存民居作品,依據他於營造中扮演的角色變換,分段、分類、分項的分析營造行為內容,並且加以歸納這四十年間其營造行為之轉變。再分析『影響李元興匠師營造行為變遷之因素』,提出『營造行為特點』,加以對照「苗栗海線地區傳統民居營造背景」、「李元興匠師從事傳統民居營造緣由」之內容,探討李元興匠師的營造與苗栗海線地區傳統民居之相對關係與相互影響。


“In the history of architectural research, residential housing had always been a topic of intense focus. This is not only because residential housing is the most basic and prevalent part of architecture, it is also because residential housing is an indispensible product of an individual’s life. ” (Hsu Ming-Fu, 1990). In terms of the pathways of historical development, “residential housing” is a mirror that directly reflects the culture of a human society. The meaning embodied by this vocabulary is precisely the medium that reflects contemporary social life and cultural development; to express and present the unique lifestyle of the land, and the environmental background of that location. Therefore, traditional rural housing is the basic living space most closely associated with people’s lives’ and accurately reflects the uniqueness and geographical identity of every region. Furthermore, in the construction of the houses, the master craftsmanship of the builders, passed on from generation to generation, is expressly manifested on traditional rural housing, meaning that they play an important role in recording the evolution of architecture in Taiwan. Due to limiting geographical conditions, transportation to and from the Miaoli coastal areas in central Taiwan is often extremely inconvenient. Therefore, in the early years, materials are transported solely by manpower, making construction difficult. During the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of Japanese rule, there were light railways and north-south railroads, which alleviated traffic inconveniences, but did not improve the poverty of local industries. In particular, economic development in coastal Miaoli began at a slower rate in a relatively sparsely populated area. Or, perhaps it was because of the influence of factors such as ethnic relations between Min-nan and Hakka peoples, geographical limits, industrial development, lifestyles, and social changes, a practice of constructing local traditional rural housing gradually emerged. Observing the protection and restoration of historical sites, historical buildings, and other cultural assets in recent years, there is a disparity between traditional craftsmen and the sources of their master craftsmanship. As the number of craftsmen decrease, and few people are ready to inherit their trade, the methods of constructing traditional rural housing may be fated to oblivion as time passes on. Therefore, this study focuses on “Miaoli coastal areas” and “traditional rural housing” as the topics of the study, and “master craftsman Li Yuanxing” and his “construction methods” as the subjects of research, to discover the pioneering development of coastal areas in Miaoli during his lifetime, relevant background in constructing traditional rural housing, and his motivations for engaging in the construction of traditional rural housing. Through discoveries of existing residential housing work done by master craftsman Li Yuanxing, the contents of his construction practices are separated into parts, categorized, and itemized according to changes in his role during construction processes. This 40-year history of changes in master craftsman Li Yuanxing’s construction practices is also compiled. We will analyze “factors influencing changes in master craftsman Li Yuanxing’s construction practices,” propose “noteworthy aspects of construction practices,” and refer to the contents of “backgrounds of traditional rural housing in coastal areas in Miaolo” and “master craftsman Li Yuanxing’s motivations to engaging on the construction of traditional rural housing,” to explore the relative relationship and mutual influences between master craftsman Li Yuanxing’s constructions and traditional rural housing in coastal areas in Miaoli.


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