  • 學位論文


The study on Clear and Protect for Historical building after the fire disaster–an experience of the workshops of Taiwan-Ta Shu Shan forestry corporation

指導教授 : 薛琴


古蹟或歷史建築在近年來時常遭遇祝融之害,導致文化資產受損。而針對災後受損所做的調查紀錄與一般古蹟或歷史建築的修復計畫大相逕庭,為使災後的物件能有效的被記錄保存,本文試圖藉由大雪山製材廠火災危害之案例,盡可能地論述災後調查與清理保存的操作重點及相關要項。由於古蹟及歷史建築類型樣貌繁多,故而災後的調查紀錄方式無法以一概全,但本研究期望能夠對產業型之歷史建築遭遇火災後的歷史物件保存有所助益,並在古蹟及歷史建築總體救災體制下貢獻一己之力。 第一章 主要是藉由古蹟、歷史建築歷年火災事例的蒐集彙整,綜合性分析闡述火災發生原因、火災頻率、災害搶救過程等,以求完整解析古蹟、歷史建築火災災害之獨特性,以作為本研究於探討災後清理保存前的基礎資料建置。 第二章 東勢舊大雪山製材廠雖非台灣古蹟、歷史建築災後清理保存首例,然其產業遺產的災後清理經驗卻極具開創的意義,往後如屬性類似之文化資產同樣不幸遭遇火災,驥望此次的災後清理保存研究能夠略盡棉薄之力,以供參考。本次災後清理保存工作的2大主軸為調查記錄與實質工程,前者主要目的在於收集災後現場殘存訊息與實物,凡具有歷史價值者即為施行對象,而後者著重的則是災後現場的清運作業,使其維持一定的工作安全與秩序。 第三章 災後清理保存的重要性將藉由古蹟、歷史建築之真實性、古蹟、歷史建築之臆測性、修復、再利用方式的多樣性等議題進一步論述之,同時也廣泛介紹國內外古蹟、歷史建築火災災後清理保存之數個案例。接著而後,則概述台灣自921震災至今的災後清理保存概況與操作內容,並就實質操作問題檢討操作的合理性、適當性等等。而災後清理保存作業機制的建立,則將從公部門與地方居民對保存作業之認同、災後清理保存執行團隊的組成與遴選、特殊工程限制性規範的必要、災後清理保存階段性操作的時效等多方面討論,試以提出健全作業機制的可能。 第四章 經本研究分析之後,得知目前受「古蹟、歷史建築重大災害緊急應變處理辦法」保障與規範的災後緊急應變程序未獲周全,故而為了更加完善保護災損古蹟、歷史建築,本研究試以提出火場救災程序、火場鑑識程序、火場清理程序等密切相關的程序作為補充




Historic buildings are easily destroyed by the fire. Because the survey after a fire disaster is different from the common repair plan for a historic buildings, in order to make better records, this paper would take the Ta Shu Shan forestry corporation for an example to discuss the points of fire-after survey, clean and reservation. According to various types of historic buildings, methods of survey will be diverse and need to adjust case by case, but the paper still expect make contributions to the reservation and disaster-relief mechanism of historic buildings. Chapter 1 Through summarizing fire accidents of historic buildings in every year, synthetically analyze the cause, frequency, relief process of fire disasters, to discover the singularity of fire disasters in historic buildings and as a foundation for later exploring the clean and reservation method. Chapter 2 Although the Ta Shu Shan forestry corporation isn't the first example of the reservation and clean after a fire disaster in Taiwan, its singularity still could do contributions to the research of modes of the reservation and clean for historic buildings. This time, the process of reservation and clean consists in two parts-records and clean. The work of record mainly collects objects and information in the scene after a fire. The job of clean focuses on the depuration to preserve the workplace safety. Chapter 3 The importance of the reservation and clean after fire disasters would be foregrounded through the discussion of the authenticity and repair of historic buildings. By introducing cases of the reservation and clean after fire disasters since the 921 earthquake, we will review the reasonableness and fitness of modes of reservation and clean. Through discussing the support from the government and the public, the composition of the team in charge of the reservation and clean, the need to set regulations for specific engineerings, propose the possibility of the faultless execution mechanism. Chapter 4 Afterward, we discover shortcomings of “the emergence disposition for historic buildings bill”, this paper proposes the process of relief, survey and clean after a fire disaster for protecting historic buildings better.


Historical building


