  • 學位論文


Investigation of the fluorescence quenching behavior of metal-organic frameworks using non-linear Stern–Volmer equations

指導教授 : 李世琛




In this study, fluorescence spectroscopy was used to investigate fluorescence quenching between metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) consisting of Al centers and methyl red isomers (ortho, para, and meta). After the methyl red dyes had been adsorbed onto the metal-organic frameworks, the intensity of their fluorescence decreased as the concentration of the dye increased. The effects of the molecular structure on the fluorescence quenching were investigated using the same MOF with different methyl red dyes, or the same methyl red dye with different MOFs. When methyl red isomers were used as fluorescence quenchers, non-linear trends were observed in the CYCU-4(Al) DUT-4(Al), MIL-69(Al), and MIL-100(Al) Stern-Volmer plots. The reason for this is related to the structural properties of the MOFs and methyl red, e.g. variations in MOF ligand and differences in the substituent positions of the methyl red isomers. In addition, the non-linear curves of the Stern-Volmer plots indicated that dynamic and static fluorescence quenching between methyl red and the MOFs occurred simultaneously. Finally, to improve our understanding of the quenching behaviors of MOFs and methyl red, the temperature effect was used to differentiate the dynamic and static quenching behaviors. If the slope of the Stern-Volmer plots increased as the temperature increased, the quenching behavior was dominated by dynamic quenching. Conversely, if the slope decreased as temperature increased, then the quenching behavior was dominated by static quenching. The results will be discussed in detail in this paper.


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