  • 學位論文

使用者建構空間敘事 -以住宅之情感與記憶為例

The construction of spatial narrative by the user A case study of affection and memory in the house

指導教授 : 黃慶輝


摘要 在這資訊取得方便的年代裡,大量的雜誌及媒體推陳風格下,住宅設計變得 相似性極高。人都是有著複雜的感情及不同生活方式,應當會產生設計內涵的差 異,不應當只是注重風格來呈現空間樣貌,在職業的過程中,多多少少遇到使用 者對空間呈現有著內心的期許,本研究目的是探詢出使用者內心需求的自我展現 空間,找出使用者對空間的內在情感需求及渴望。這需求的渴望或許來自於過往 經歷記憶的影響,研究中將探詢情感與記憶是如何影響人對空間的呈現。本研究 方法為個案分析,研究的對象為使用者與設計師。分析方法透過訪談案例者,將 內容逐字打稿再依照設計心理學架構分析,找出案例者訪談內容相關聯性的重要 訊息,將依這訊息的線頭慢慢抽絲剝繭的找出使用者隱藏內心的關鍵意義,讓空 間說出使用者的故事。本研究發現,如何在設計思維的溝通中提取使用者的記憶 方法,將表述內容的重要關聯情感與記憶,將之分析出可用的內在精神與外在具 象物,這都是設計思維中重要的參考元素,這幫助轉化實踐於空間呈現的媒介, 使得空間實踐連結敘事性的情感與記憶,本研究最後將整理繪畫出空間實踐的分 析流程圖。這個流程能有效幫助設計師建構出使用者敘事性的空間蘊含,這更能 貼近使用者的心理價值,更符合以人為本的設計理念。在後續的研究裡,可以將 空間敘事的內涵做深層探討,探詢空間敘事是否因不同空間,有類似性或差異的 分別,找出那人們對於空間私密且抽象的心理慾望。


Abstract Nowadays we’re living in an advanced era that everyone could get the information easily. The designs of accommodation are almost the same due to market is flooded with magazines and network media. Each one has their own complicated emotions and different living styles reflect to differences of design. Designers should not only pay attention to stylish in order to represent the spacing figure. In designers’ career, he/she would met more and less residents’ expectation of spacing representation. The object of this research is to find out residents’ emotional figures, needs and desires. The desires might caused by past memories and experiences. The topic of research is to find out how emotions and memories affect each human being’s expression of space. The method of this research is individual analysis involves residents and designers. Analyzing by individual investigation and typing in the contents word by word. In addition, finds out the relevant important information according to constructive analysis of psychology of design. Furthermore, finds out connective information from talking with residents and then observe the key words in their mind. Let space represents residents’ stories. The result of this research shows the way of gathering residents’ memories from communication. It also shows the important connection between emotions and memories. One of goals is to figure it out that.


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