  • 學位論文


Enhancing Quality of Context Information by Using Near Field Communication

指導教授 : 林志浩


無所不在的運算主要核心概念為周遭的情境的感測,所以情境感知的目標則是讓應用程式能適應及回應人們的需求、習慣、姿態和情感等。環境智慧強調運算裝置是無形的遍佈在實體環境中,使用者不需要思考那些科技的存在感。為了達到情境智慧的願景,在設計情境感知系統時,要考量有效率地使用情境參數,要辨識情境感知資訊的型態,塑模出實際環境中的資訊,並精確的獲取資訊來源,以增加情境知系統的預測能力。所以如何利用較佳的人機互動(無感且自然)的方來協助人們去記錄他們周遭情境資訊,是一門很重要的課題。因為一般情境感知的研究都著重在推論及預測,而鮮少有研究從人機互動的角度來看情境資料的處理。 本研究主要利用NFC人機互動的方式來提升在周遭情境的感測,藉此塑造使用者情境的模式,並透由使用者情境模型的分析來提昇情境資訊的品質。本研究的貢獻在於從人機互動、情境感知、適地化服務的概念來探討NFC技術獲取情境資訊的方法及模式,並藉由NFC技術是結合了外顯式互動、內隱式互動等特點,讓人們可以用更自然的方法來獲取周遭的情境資訊,提升獲取到情境資訊的品質,並且更能精確的擷取使用者在特定情境下的意圖。


The core concept of ubiquitous computing is context-awareness to the surrounding environment. The objective of context-awareness is so that computer applications could adapt and respond to the needs, habits and gestures of human. Ambient Intelligent stresses that computing devices are invisible throughout the physical environment; and that the users do not have to take account into the existence of technologies. To achieve the vision of AmI, the efficient to use of context parameters, identification of types of context-aware information, and the modeling information of the physical world must be considered when designing a context-aware system. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to employ better HCI approaches to help people with identifying meaningful contextual information in the environment. So far, context-aware research mostly emphasizes on deduction and prediction while less attention has been paid on the processing of context data from HCI research aspects. The main purpose of this study is to advance context-sensing with NFC techniques through analyzing and modeling user context for better context information quality. This study contributes to how NFC could gather the patterns of context information from HCI concepts, context awareness, and Local-Based Service. The NFC techniques combine the characteristics of both explicit and implicit interaction. It achieves a way of interaction which is more natural for obtaining and advancing the quality of context information than surveying user intention in specific context.


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