  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Post-Modification of Mesoporous Zinc and Aluminum Metal-Organic Frameworks

指導教授 : 林嘉和


本次研究利用合成後交換的方式成功合成出系列擴張等結構中孔洞金屬有機骨架,並以合成後修飾的方式針對具有機配位基H2TzDB (4,4'-(1,2,4,5-tetrazine-3,6-diyl)dibenzoic acid)之MOFs進行官能化修飾賦予其新的物理性質。 本論文第一部分以鋅作為中心金屬,利用配位基延伸的策略進行合成後交換得到一系列等結構中孔洞MOFs,且具有比母體材料bMOF-NDC更大的孔徑,利用此方法成功合成出4個MOFs依序為: [Zn8(ad)4O2(CVB)6].........bMOF-CVB [Zn8(ad)4O2(SDC)6]......... bMOF-SDC [Zn8(ad)4O2(CAB)6]......... bMOF-CAB [Zn8(ad)4O2(TzDB)6]....... bMOF-TzDB 在性質鑑定上,粉末X-ray繞射(PXRD)鑑定其結構並以孔徑分析儀測量其孔洞及氣體的吸脫附性質,經由鑑定結果得知合成出的bMOF-SDC及bMOF-CAB其吸附量將近2000 cm3/g且孔徑約3 nm。並針對bMOF-TzDB進行一系列直鏈烷烯類分子(C6、C12、C18)的點擊反應,藉由疏水官能基修飾進而提升水氣穩定性,並以接觸角量測儀與PXRD進行表面疏水情形以及結構鑑定。 第二部分利用鋁作為中心金屬與H2TzDB配位鍵結的中孔洞MOFs材料,透過後修飾不同的直鏈烷烯類分子(C10、C12、C18)探討MOF表面疏水情形,其中修飾C18效果最佳,置於空氣環境數周仍保有其結晶性,對於MOF材料在一般水氣環境中的穩定度保持是一項重大突破。




n the first part of this study, Znic is used as the central metal, and the ligand exchange strategy is used to synthesize a series of mesoporous MOFs. The resulting series is found to have better mesoporosity with large pore sizes ranging than that of that of the parent bMOF-NDC. By using this strategy ,we synthesize 4 compounds : [Zn8(ad)4O2(CVB)6].........bMOF-CVB [Zn8(ad)4O2(SDC)6]......... bMOF-SDC [Zn8(ad)4O2(CAB)6]......... bMOF-CAB [Zn8(ad)4O2(TzDB)6]....... bMOF-TzDB These MOFs have been characterized by the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and gas adsorption/desorption measurements. In particular, we use a series of alkene (C6, C12, C18) to modify bMOF-TzDB by click reaction. we can observe the changing of the water stability of bMOF-TzDB from the result by using the contact angle detector and the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD). In the second part, we use Aluminum as the central metal coordinating with the organic ligand H2TzDB to synthesize the mesoporous MOFs material. By using same strategy to modify MOF with alkene (C10, C12, C18), we can get the conclusion that C18-AlTz-68 has the best water stability in the air. Placed in the air environment for several weeks still maintain its crystallinity, for the MOF material is a new development.




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