  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 鍾文仁


本研究主要是探討多功能事務機(Multi Function Peripheral, MFP),所搭載的自動進稿裝置(Auto Document Feeder,ADF),先從自動進稿裝置的應用及能力規格表現去了解。而逐漸深入了解自動進稿裝置主體架構及系統機能架構的功能應用;自動進稿裝置主體架構拆分為COVER ADF、GUIDE BASE、DOC TRY、FRAME UPPER、SDH COVER.....等等,分別各自有不同的系統機能設計。Roller系統主要分別有Pick-up Roller、Main feed Roller (ADF Roller)、Sprit Roller (PF1 Roller)、Turning Roller (PF2-Roller)、Exit roller (EJ Roller),各滾輪有不同的工作任務;自動進稿裝置一般採用PM型步進馬達因價格便宜噪音較低,並能達成精確的位置和速度控制且穩定性佳,但也必須配合所設計的負載是否在步進馬達的能力範圍之內,如超出能力範圍之外衍生而來的噪音、脫步問題也隨之而來;自動進稿裝置連續掃描時是靠著行星齒輪運行使Pick_up Roller下放取得稿件,Pick_up Roller與ADF Roller除了取稿進稿分稿的作用以外,還有設計了延遲機構使得連續掃描稿件得以有間隙,稿件才不會重疊;依據客戶的需求規格推算出步進馬達的需求能力,經由噪音、負載、轉速驗證的結果達到自動進稿裝置需求能力;而各滾輪的傳動與拉力關係也息息相關,不但決定了稿件掃描的速度也決定了稿件掃描的解析度;各機能之間是環環相扣也因次我們也利用了時序圖Timing Chart控制了整個自動進稿裝置的功能。 本文的最後,所探討的是如何優化提升自動進稿裝置的取稿速度及提升組裝良率,將行星齒輪擺動的傳遞轉矩方式替換為離合器 (E-Clutch)可有效的提升取稿與掃描的速度,也避免了自動進稿裝置在生產時不良率的發生。


The purpose of this study is to explore the function of the Multi Function Peripheral (MFP) and the Auto Document Feeder (ADF), which is based on the application of the automatic document feeder and the performance specifications. And gradually deepen understanding of the automatic feed device body structure and system function architecture of the functional applications; automatic feed device body structure split for COVER ADF, GUIDE BASE, DOC TRY, FRAME UPPER, SDH COVER ..... and so on, respectively Each have different system function design. The Roller system consists of Pick-up Roller, Main Feed Roller (ADF Roller), Sprit Roller (PF1 Roller), Turning Roller (PF2-Roller) and Exit Roller (EJ Roller). Each roller has different tasks; PM-type stepper motor is generally used because of low noise, low noise, and to achieve precise position and speed control and stability, but must also be designed with the load is within the scope of the stepper motor capacity, such as Pick_up Roller and ADF Roller in addition to pick up the manuscripts in addition to the manuscripts, and the other hand, According to the customer's specification, we can calculate the demand ability of the stepping motor, and get the result of the noise, load and speed verification. In addition, we have designed the delay mechanism to make the continuous scanning manuscripts have the gap, the manuscript will not overlap. Automatic feeding device demand capacity; and the wheel drive and pull the relationship is also closely related not only determines the speed of the manuscript scan also determines the resolution of the manuscript scan; between the various functions is interlocking also because we also use the Timing Chart controls the function of the entire automatic document feeder. At the end of this paper, how to optimize the automatic document feeder to improve the speed of the draft and improve the assembly yield, the planetary gear swing to replace the transmission torque for the clutch (E-Clutch) can effectively enhance the draft and scan Speed, but also to avoid the automatic feeding device in the production of non-performing rate of occurrence. Keywords: Automatic document feeder, Multi-function transaction machine, Stepping motor, Planetary gear, Timing diagram.


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