  • 學位論文


Action Research of Influence in Cooperative Learning Strategy on English Reading Comprehension and Learning Motivation of Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 李珀 王保進


摘 要 本研究目的在分析合作學習對國中九年級學生英語閱讀理解與學習動機之影響,並瞭解合作學習在國中英語課堂教學中實施的困難與可能性,另外藉由行動研究實施合作學習以增進英語教師個人專業成長。研究者以九年級的任課班共二十六位學生為研究對象,設計六個單元的合作學習課程,進行為期十三週的研究。研究期間以教學省思札記、課堂觀察記錄、小組反思回饋、學生訪談紀錄、學習單及問卷等工具蒐集資料。本研究為行動研究,研究方法以質性方法為主,量化方法為輔。研究者依據研究結果獲得以下結論: 一、合作學習對於國中學生英語閱讀理解能力的提昇有影響。 二、合作學習能提昇國中學生英語學習動機,其在學習自信、興趣、及課堂投入程度皆有提昇。 三、合作學習能提昇教師專業成長。 研究者根據上述研究結果發現,提出相關建議,以作為未來推動合作學習於國中英語閱讀教學之參考。


Abstract The purposes of this study were to analyze the effects of cooperative learning on English reading comprehension and learning motivation of 9th graders . In addition, the other purposes of this study were to find out the problems and the possibilities while using cooperative learning during the English class in junior high schools, also, to improve the professional growth of English teachers’ through the action research. The participants consisted of twenty-six 9th graders, and the experiment had been implemented for thirteen weeks. The collection of the data included journal evaluations, observation journal of the teacher, group words reflections, students’ homework, worksheets, interviews within students and questionnaires. Qualitative materials were mainly adopted and quantitative ones were as auxiliary when during the research. Following are the results: 1. The English reading comprehension of junior high students could be enhenced by using cooperative learning. 2. The English learning motivation of junior high school students could be increased by using cooperative learning. Among the three aspects self-confidence, interest and class involvement were improved. 3. The teachers could improve their professional growth by using cooperative learning. Based on the conclusions, some suggestions were offered to the teachers and the further researchers in terms of applying cooperative learning to English teaching.


Chin-Yin Chen (2011). The relationship between English reading strategies and
