  • 學位論文


Construction of a Green Supplier Management System in the UML

指導教授 : 宮大川


摘要 危害物質限用指令 (Restriction of Hazardous Substance, RoHS )為歐盟國家所公告,且這項綠色規範已於2006年7月正式開始實施。使經濟型態以出口導向的台灣資訊電子產業系統廠,面臨現代產業競爭與供應鏈管理體系的另一波衝擊。 因此,本研究以資訊電子產業之中小型系統廠為對象,協助其配合整體因應作業,將與供應鏈管理體系相關的作業皆環環相扣,以達到資訊共同分享,並加強利用資訊科技來強化供應鏈管理的能力,為台灣中小型系統廠從現有的綠色環保衝擊中,將危機轉化為商機與契機,創造最大利潤。然而,在深度訪談中獲悉,中小型系統廠限於環保技術與知識匱乏並未積極面對。為深入瞭解現況問題點和因應作法,分別透過文獻探討及與中小型系統廠訪談,界定「供應商管控」為本研究發展的主軸,並分兩階段進行研究,研擬一套可行性方案。 在問題解決過程中,第一階段參照GPMS管理制度之特性,歸納符合中小型系統廠的綠色供應商管理之作業流程,並依系統化步驟發展綠色供應商管理系統之內容與雛型架構;第二階段則是根據第一階段所規劃的系統內容,透過統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)的使用案例觀點和流程觀點,建構綠色供應商管理系統,展現系統的作業流程及功能。最後,透過專家訪談對照系統構模呈現的功能,驗證系統之功能模組的合理性與可行性。 本研究提出可彈性因應符合RoHS指令與動態環保項目之綠色供應商管理系統,以解決中小型系統廠因應不同國際大廠產品規範差異,所衍生的作業困難,並強化對供應商的管控能力。


Abstract Europe Union (EU) published environment protection directives RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) as to whole electronic products since July/ 2006. It is a crucial issue to the exportation oriented Taiwan high-tech industries, particularly the small and medium enterprises, which are extremely affected by adopting the EU directives. From now on, the electronics industry has to face and control green practices in seriously and throughout their multi-tier supply chain network, the main purpose is making maximum profits for both side. The problems are primarily due to limited resources and lack experienced staffs with concerning the environment protection to face up this topic within most firms. Therefore, main objective of this research is developing in systematically and using electronic tools to implement an information system framework with sharing material information. It is going to design feature to help industries to get management advantages and we must make sure policy workable. Organization reviewed relevant literatures and deeply interviewed with managers of firms and defining the core research of well controlling supplier in green practice. We divided two stages for main research. Firstly, we are developing a prototypical Green Supplier System based on GPMS construct in to address. Secondly, we are illustrating the overall functionality of the system and main procedure is basing on the analyzing and programing content with Use Case View and Process View of Unified Modeling Language (UML) in first stage. Finally, we are evaluating the result by defined criteria to check main research and it would be well done with verification comparison and meeting the requirements of system function. Based on the achievement, Organization is offering RoHS instruction for multi-industries and it is flexible and match able. Firms of supply chain are able to cope with the RoHS directive. The most main brand have different product standard, we are offering good solution to solve those problems and satisfying the requirements and it will strengthen control ability of supplier.


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