  • 學位論文


Evaluation Indicators of the Supplier of Safety Components Based on Requirements of Nuclear Power Plant

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


國內核能發電廠(簡稱核電廠)運轉已近30年,在有限的資源、維護設備及零組件獲得不易情況下,核電廠積極建立維護設備及零組件的採購程序,以使運轉機組維護需求設備及零組件不虞匱乏。然而,國內對供應商採購的規範是否足以符合核安級水準,以確保供應商所提供的設備、零組件及技術服務均能滿足需求,使核電廠運轉安全無虞。本研究經由整合美國聯邦法規10 CFR 50附錄B、美國核能採購事務委員會(NUPIC)、ISO及國內供應商形態等相關文獻,探討研擬符合國內核電廠實際需求之核安級水準的供應商能力績效評選指標。 其研究方法主要架構是先應用專家群體預測之德菲法(Delphi Method),以專家問卷調查方式,評選出影響核能級產品供應商能力績效評估69項及顧客需求26項的主要關鍵性需求指標;再以多目標的決策層級分析法(AHP)定義各關鍵性需求指標之相對權重及整體優先向量 (Priority Vector);以及應用品質機能展開(QFD)技術將顧客需求與供應商能力績效評估指標整合,轉換成供應商能力之評估策略重點方向的優先指標。 經由本研究結果,已建構國內首套符合核電廠實際需求之核安級水準的供應商評選指標及評估模式,並獲得重要關鍵影響之供應商能力績效評估策略的八大能力評估構面及12項關鍵優先指標,為核電廠安全組件供應商能力評估管理策略之優先重點要項,確保藉由評鑑機制建立重點式的管理評估策略方向,將有效的作為評選體質健全、技術優良及品質可靠的優秀供應商商源,進而積極性的促進供應商健全其工程管理及品質管理系統,以有效提高採購安全組件及技術服務的品質可靠度及維持其有效性,使國內核電廠運轉安全無虞。


The domestic nuclear power plants have been in operation for over 30 years in Taiwan. Under constraints of limited resources and relative unavailability of parts and components, Taiwan’s Nuclear Energy Administration is proactive in establishing the sound procedures for subcontracting equipment maintenance services as well as for procuring parts and components for its nuclear power plants. This is to ensure sound maintenance services be provided and parts and components of the nuclear-power-plant class be supplied. The present study concerned itself with establishing the procurement procedures which are to be followed by the domestic equipment and parts suppliers, so that adequate supply of safety parts and components for sound equipment maintenance can be guaranteed. The present study has integrated the stipulations from the US statues, 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, NUPIC, ISO standard as well as the literature provided by the domestic suppliers. After a comprehensive analysis, various indicators to assess the domestic suppliers’ abilities in terms of supplying parts and components to meet the quality standard stipulated by the nuclear power plant industry were finalized. The main scheme of the methodology adopted in the present study involved using the Delphi Method for evaluation by the expert group. A questionnaire was devised to encompass key requirements including 69 indices that influence the suppliers’ capabilities to supply quality parts for nuclear power plants and 26 indices concerning suppliers’ capabilities in meeting customer’s needs. The questionnaire was then sent to members of the expert group to perform opinion and comment surveys. Before performing the detailed analysis for the resultant survey data, the multi-objective Analytic Hierarchy Process was employed to define the relative weights to be adopted for each required index and overall priority vector. In addition, Quality Function Deployment technique was employed to integrate the Customer Need index with the Supplier Capability index, so that a priority index is developed, which can then be used to evaluate the supplier’ capability. Through the result of the present research, a comprehensive model was established in order to evaluate suppliers’ capabilities to supply parts or providing services that meet the safety standards of nuclear power plant for the first time in Taiwan. In addition, 8 assessment aspects and 12 preference indices that may influence the performance of suppliers were obtained. These evaluation items are to be preferentially selected to assess the vendors’ capabilities of supplying parts and services that meet the safety standards stipulated by nuclear power plant industry. It is hoped that implementation of the supplier capability evaluation scheme may contribute to the realization of proactive vendors’ control. Through the scheme, those suppliers having sound management systems, fine technological capabilities and good credibility of supplying fine quality products can be effectively sort out. Furthermore, it is also hoped that the evaluation scheme will encourage the suppliers to upgrade their management systems set up for engineering as well as for quality assurance. By doing so, reliable and steady supplies of safe parts and components as well as services to ensure the safe operation of the nuclear power plants can be guaranteed.


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