  • 學位論文


Analyzing Mobile App Service Design from Customer Usage Behaviors

指導教授 : 蔡文鈞


摘要 隨身智慧型裝置快速的發展,每個人都擁有智慧型手機,改變了生活型態與習 ,已經成為我們日常生活中的隨身必需品。但智慧型裝置的使用者對於現在很多 服務型的App裡,在使用上有著什麼樣的感受呢? 在環境競爭的市場中,提供使用者一個好的行動服務體驗過程,是行動服務設計概念的重要目的,許多企業與品牌都逐漸將發展方向從原有的服務導向,加入行動服務的發展策略以至能夠提供消費者更完善的行動服務與體驗。而這些多元的行動服務程式,都需要透過服務設計思考來進行規劃與執行,並且利用服務設計流程的建構,來達到最佳的運用效果。 此研究目的在探索使用者對於智慧型手機應用程式的使用行為,其應用程式內 容的行動服務設計內容與顧客使用行為之間的影響。研究對象有四個App案例進行 質化研究,也針對20位App使用者體驗過程訪談,用開放性問題訪談的方式建構App 的行動服務模式流程與一般服務流程結構彙整來做分析比較。 研究過程裡,可將應用程式App做類型區隔。依行動服務模式可劃分為單點式 服務與流程式服務兩種類型; 依服務的發展方式又可分為既有服務的延伸和創新行 動服務。依此歸納方式可以明顯比較出不同的類型在行動服務設計上的明顯差異處 與個別優勢點。 研究結果發現: 一、 單點式服務型App針對使用者各種不同的需求做服務功能的選擇來應用,達 到多點服務的方式來解決不同的需求問題; 流程式服務型App在操作過程中將 整體服務整合為簡便的服務模式流程,可讓顧客體驗到完整的行動服務體驗。 二、 既有服務的延伸發展模式型App,趨向為了因應行動服務時代而發展出新與舊 雙向並行的模式來增加商業服務機會; 創新行動服務型App,結合了創新思維 與行動服務的綜合體,形成一種新興的服務樣貌,也體現了未來的趨勢與最新 發展。 關鍵詞: 使用行為、手機應用程式、App、行動服務、服務設計


Abstract The rapid development of smart portable devices has resulted in everybody to own smartphone/s and changed the user lifestyle and habits. Now smartphones have already become the portable necessities in our daily life. For users of these smart devices, what are their opinions on the plentiful of currently available service-based Apps? Amid the competitive market environment, the provision of a better mobile service experience process to users is an important goal in the design concept of mobile services. This has prompted many companies to gradually add the development strategy of mobile services into their original service-oriented development direction to provide consumers with a better mobile service experience. These diversified mobile service programs have to be planned and implemented through service design considerations to achieve best application effects via the use of service design process architecture. The purposes of this study were to explore the usage behaviors of smartphone Apps, and the correlation between the mobile service design contents of these Apps and customer usage behaviors. Four App cases were taken as the study subjects to perform with a qualitative research, and 20 App users were also conducted with an interview regarding their experience process. A comparative analysis was done through the use of an open-ended question interview method by comparing the mobile service mode process App architecture to that of collected general service process flow architecture. During the study process, the application program App was segmented according to types. It was classified into single-point service and process-service based on mobile service mode; and the extension of existing services and innovative mobile services based on service development method. Such summarizing approach was able to clearly compare the significant variances and individual vantage points of different mobile service designs. Research findings: 1. Single-point service App can be chosen to use on service functions depending on different user needs to achieve multi-service functions and solve the needs of different issues. Process-service App has integrated the overall operating process to become an easiest service mode to allow customers to experience the complete mobile service experience. 2. The extension App developed from existing services acts like a bi-directional parallel mode of new and old services being created to cope with the mobile service era to increase business service opportunities. The innovative mobile service App is a complex unit integrated with innovative thoughts and action services. It has transformed into an emerging service pattern to reflect the latest development and future trends. Keywords: Usage behaviors, mobile phone application programs, App, mobile service, service design


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