  • 學位論文


An Automatic License Plate Recognition System Using Contour Fourier Transform-Based Spectrum

指導教授 : 陳冠宇




As time progresses and technology improves, digital image processing has been widely used in various areas, where automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system is one of the important applications. The purpose of this study is to compare the correctness of the ALPR system based on different mathematical analysis methods. There are three mathematical analysis methods used in this study including Fourier descriptor (FD),centroid-contour distance (CCD) and invariantmoment (IM). First, image pre-processing steps are used to obtain the license plate area in the car front image, such as RGB to grayscale conversion, edge detection, and image morphology. Next, a high quality binary image can be obtained by using threshold optimization calculation for segmenting characters from the image of license plate. Afterwards, we use the edge extraction algorithm to obtain the contours of all characters for building three sample date files of FD, CCD and IM, respectively. Finally, the correctness of some test license plate images using the three methods are compared in this study. The experimental results show that the correctness of the FD is the highest among these methods due to FD considers the contour of the image as the periodic functionand has the advantages of rotation, scaling, and translationinvariance. The accuracy rate of the FD method is up to 90% or more.


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