  • 學位論文


Development of an Assembly Line Inspection System Using Deep Learning

指導教授 : 陳冠宇




This paper uses Raspberry Pi and personal computer as the basic platform, based on deep learning, machine vision, graphical user interface, robot arm and network transmission as the framework, compiles with python programming language, and develops a simulated factory automated assembly and inspection system. Before the experiment, the image was taken at a frequency of one image per second. Through image preprocessing, image enhancement, and feature extraction, the object features were captured, and the processed image was used as a training sample. It was obtained with a designed deep learning model. The experimental parameters are assembled and tested by the object to be tested. In the experiment, the Raspberry Pi is used to control the robotic arm and the rotating disk to assemble. The robotic arm clamps the object to be tested to the transport track. Read the deep learning model trained in advance, and transfer the results obtained by the model to the Raspberry Pi for robotic arm or conveying track for action, and establish an operation interface for remote real-time viewing. The assembly line test developed in this paper The system can reach 93% accuracy.


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