  • 學位論文


The effects of interests to career values to job satisfaction- case of technical work

指導教授 : 陳瑾儀


近代社會的變遷造成現代人們晚婚及少子,從人口紅利推升的台灣經濟不再外,更加速臺灣人口老齡化之趨勢,因此現在每個孩子都被視為臺灣重要的資產。國內兩大人力銀行調查發現有54%畢業生有害怕「找不到合適工作」,75%上班族「不滿意目前工作」,79%上班族有「入錯行」的經驗,以及50.94%上班族規劃職涯的主要依據為「興趣/嗜好/專長」,因此本研究旨在探討興趣對工作價值觀與工作滿足感之影響,從技職工作者興趣對工作價值與工作滿足感,以及目前技職體系學生興趣與選擇就讀科系相符程度,並將結果相互比較其差異性,以提供未來學生投入職場時之參考。 本研究所使用的工具包括:第一部分係採用大學入學考試中心興趣量表、第二部分共作價值觀量測則是採用Super所編定之「工作價值觀量表」,在第三部分工作滿足感問卷擬採用「明尼蘇達滿意度問卷短式量表」。研究樣本為技職體系實用技能班學生以及業界老師或從業人員;實用技能班學生共發出160份問卷,回收141份有效樣本,業界老師或從業人員共發出60份問卷,回收46份有效樣本,經分析研究結果發現,職業類別對工作價值觀外部附加領域有顯著性差異,此部分主要在木工從業人員與餐飲、汽修從業人員都有明顯不同;職業類別對工作滿足感外部滿足產生顯著性差異,在這部分同樣是木工從業人員與餐飲、汽修從業人員都有明顯不同,主因是木工工作環境與其他兩種職業工作模式不同而產生顯著性差異。興趣與職業相符對工作價值觀有顯著差異,其中又以內部價值領域達到顯著,主因興趣是個人對其環境中的人、事、物所產生的喜愛程度,若內在的需要(興趣)被滿足,心理所想要的和外在給予的相符時,內在的工作價值觀也會明顯提升。興趣與職業相符對工作滿足感有顯著差異,以各構面來看,內部滿足與外部滿足都達到顯著,意義是當興趣與職業相符的情形下,內在精神或是外在物質的滿足,都是同樣重要。


One of the recent changes of modern society nowadays would be late marriages and low birth rates, without the prosperity of economy in Taiwan, it also accelerates ageing of the current population. Therefore, the birth of every single child are seen as an asset of Taiwan. According to a research of two of Taiwans’ most successful human resources banks,54% of university graduates are afraid that they can’t find a “ suitable jobs”,75% of office workers are “ not satisfied with their current job”, 79% of office workers had experiences on chosen the wrong industry to work with, and last, 50.94% of workers rely on interests/hobbies/specialties as their targets of career planning . Therefore, this research is to explore how interests affect the value of work ethics and work satisfactions, and also to probe vocational workers point of view on how these may affect theirs, and from the current students of vocational high school on how they choose departments depending on interests, and to cross examining and comparing the differences on result, providing information for them when the time comes to enter work fields. The tools applied in the first part uses The Interest Inventory of CEEC, the second part of work values measured uses Super’s Work Values Scale,;WVS, and the last part of Job satisfaction questionnaires uses Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire ,MSQ. The research samples are taken from vocational school students, teachers, and current tech workers; there are 160 questionnaires send to vocational school students, recovered with 141 effective samples, 60 questionnaires send to teachers and current tech workers, recovered with 46 effective samples, with analysis and research through samples, the result shows significant differences on career value and external add on field with different occupational classes, this part also shows the significant differences between wood working to catering to automotive repairing field of jobs.; the main reasons to produce the significant differences are because wood working and other 2 occupations have different working environments . There are significant differences when interests and hobbies match career values, among them, the internal value field has the most significant differences, main reason is the individuals value and favors person, items and matters differently, if the internal value field is fulfilled, mentally and physically, their internal career value will also arise significantly. There are significant differences with interests matching job satisfactions, to see it with different perspectives, internal value and external value both reached significant differences, meaning when interests match occupation, fulfilling both internal value of spirits and external value of material are both equally important.


interests the career values job satisfaction


