  • 學位論文


Analyzing Key Factors of Affecting Sustainable Operation for Private Schools- A Case Study of a Private Elementary School in Taipei City

指導教授 : 胡宜中


本研究旨在探討臺灣面臨少子女化危機、身處全球化現象中,私立學校在臺灣社會變動快速、經濟大環境艱難、12年國教教改政策多變的狀況下,透過自給自足的經營模式,維持學校永續經營之關鍵因素分析。以臺北市某私立小學為例,探究發展臺北市私立小學永續經營的策略。本研究以臺北市A小學為研究對象。A小學創校至今已有65年歷史,學生年齡層分佈從3歲至15歲,為一所包含幼兒園、小學、中學12年學制一貫的學校。在同一個行政區裡既有的23所公私立小學、全臺北市的10所私立小學中,A小學年年招生額滿,辦學績效深獲家長肯定,除了大環境的條件影響,學校內部的領導、管理策略與未來發展方向,必然會成為影響學校後續校務經營,是否能持續保持學生數額滿狀態的重要條件,也因此成為選擇其為研究對象的主要原因。 本研究透過德爾菲法訪談曾任職私立學校之主管人員、企業界高階主管或曾擔任私立學校家長會代表之家長以建構出適用於評估私立學校永續經營關鍵因素之研究架構,並運用決策實驗室法與網路分析程序法就受訪者問卷進行分析。研究結果發現,對於A小學來說,影響學校能否永續經營的關鍵因素包含「學校願景目標」、「學校經營績效」、「行政管理效能」、「課程發展與評鑑」、「教師教學與輔導」及「專業發展與激勵」。因果圖顯示欲改善所有關鍵準則的績效表現,可以由「學校經營績效」開始著手。 此外,數據呈現「學校願景目標」、「行政管理效能」以及「教師教學與輔導」是影響「學校經營績效」較大的三個關鍵準則,因此本研究就此提出創造與展現學校經營績效;學校願景目標的制定與定期檢視的必要性;拉近教師與行政距離,建立互信互諒的校園氣氛與文化,使行政達到確實支援教學的目的,促進課程發展與評鑑、提升教師教學與輔導知能、有效激勵教師進行專業發展等改善策略。本研究在私立學校,特別是A小學的永續經營上有其貢獻。研究結果提供了關鍵因素及改善績效之管理意涵分析與相關建議,期能提供A小學以及其他私立學校辦學永續經營的重要參考價值。


The main purpose of this research is to discuss the situation for private schools in Taiwan through many variables in today’s world – less kids, tough economy, fast paced environment, and constant changes on the 12-year mandatory education policy in Taiwan - and how we create an efficient and effective model for these private schools to be self sufficient and to have a sustainable operation for the long term. We will be looking this particular private elementary school, Elementary School A, in Taipei City for example. Elementary School A has built a legacy of its own for over 65 years, with age range from 3 to 15 years old in student body to cover kindergarten, elementary schoo, middle and high school to meet the needs of the 12-year mandatory education policy in Taiwan. With the same district, there are 23 elementary schools (both public and private) and there are total 10 privately operated elementary schools. However, Elementary School A manages to reach its full admission capacity year after year, along with over the top praises and feedback from the parents. Besides the given environment to foster this successs, Elementary School A must have done something right to ensure its success through internal leadership and management policies to meet and retain its admission goals year after year. Hence, we have selected this particular school as our research target to analyze the key factors to success. This research is presented based on historic data and references as well as Delphi method based interview process with private school management professionals, education industry leaders, as well as parents of these students who have been in a student-parent association leader capacity. We have proceeed with this research based on Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory(DEMATEL) and Analytic Network Process(ANP). The study results on Elementary School A have shown the deciding factors on a private school’s success are based on Future Goal Setting, School Management Incentives, Effective Management, Course Development and Evaluation, Educating and Supporting the Educators, and Professional Development and Appreciation. Our analytic graph indicates School Management Incentives may be the logical first step to an immediate and initial improvement of performance. Besides, the numbers show Future Goal Setting, Effective Management, and Educating and Support the Educators are the three main deciding factors that dictate the success of a private school. Therefore, through this search we highly suggest to create and demonstrate the importance of setting realistic goals, constant evaluations, creating a synergy between management and the educators, and create a mutual trust and bond environment and culture on campus to ensure that there is a process, and the process will support the system to reach its goal and motivate the individuals involved, incluing both educators and management and the values and quality of the education. The results of this research on Elemantary School A provided key and thought provoking references for other privately operated schools who are in the same or similar situation with potential solutions on their current and future challenges with operations, management, and sustainability.


Private school Sustainable operation DEMATEL ANP


