  • 學位論文


Effect of the detoxification process on toxic compounds and antinutritional factors in Jatropha seed cake

指導教授 : 鍾財王


麻瘋樹是一種具有多用途的植物,其種仁含有高達50%的含油量,一般用來做為生質柴油的原料,此外,由於其為非糧食作物,使得麻瘋樹成為熱門的能源作物。然而在萃取種子的油脂後會產生大量的籽渣,經研究後發現籽渣中含有豐富的營養蛋白,對動物而言是極佳的營養來源,但亦含有毒性物質與抗營養因子,這些物質會對動物健康造成負面影響,若要將籽渣做為動物飼料則必須將其中的毒性物質及抗營養因子脫除或降解,而脫毒為其中的方式之一。本研究採用溶劑萃取與加熱處理做為脫毒程序進行脫毒處理,並藉由實驗設計中的回應曲面法,了解系統的各種操作參數對目標函數的重要性,實驗中針對濃度、處理時間與料液比等操作參數進行討論,以了解各種參數對去除率的影響,結果顯示皂素的去除率易受到乙醇濃度的影響,濃度太高或太低皆不利於皂素的去除,經過脫毒可去除超過60%的皂素含量。植酸則是容易受鹽酸影響,提升籽渣鹽酸比對植酸去除率有較顯著影響,去除率達50%。脫毒後,皂素與植酸含量分別為0.334 (g/100g)與0.831 (g/100g),皆低於一般市售大豆籽渣的含量。


Jatropha curcas is a multi-function plant, the oil contain of the Ja-tropha curcas kernel is up to 50% which can be utilized as a raw material for manufacturing biodiesel. Nonetheless Jatropha curcas had already become a popular energy crop due to the property of non-edible crop. However, a big amount of seed cake was formed after oil extraction. According to the literature seed cake contain abundant nutrient protein which is a very important nutrition source for animals. The seed cake also contains toxic compounds and antinutritional factors which are the main obstacle for the animal feed. In this research, solvent and heat treatments were used for the detoxification process. Response surface design method was used in this experimental design, in order to understand the interaction between different operation parameters and objective function. In this experiment, concentration, treatment time and solvent ratio were discussed in order to understand which parameter was more important. The results show that saponin removal was influenced by the concentration of ethanol, too high or too low concentration were both unfavorable for the saponin removal. After detoxification, 60% saponin was removed. Phytic acid was effected by the hydrochloric acid, high hydrochloric acid ratio can improve phytic acid removal to 50%, and saponin and phytic acid contain were 0.334 and 0.831(g/100g), respectively.


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