  • 學位論文


The intentions of physical attractiveness to the travel website of satisfaction and continue using will

指導教授 : 廖秀莉


過去的行銷手法,不外乎透過銷售員當作第一線的服務人員讓消費者諮詢及推薦其店家商品,如今時代轉變,網路行銷手法花招百出,除了透過穩健的行銷方式之餘,藉由「正妹效應」這股風潮,可促使店家營業額大增及網站的點閱率攀升。   探討旅遊網站使用及經營相關研究中,大多主要是在探討使用意圖及網站服務品質和顧客滿意度這三個。本研究將加入線上客服人員「外表吸引力」及與使用者之間「互動性」的程度兩項因子,來探討使用者對於旅遊網站所提供服務之服務品質、滿意度及持續使用意圖影響。本研究欲探討的目的為以下兩點:(一)探討線上客服人員的「外表吸引力」是否會影響使用者對於旅遊網站的服務滿意度及持續使用意圖。(二)探討線上客服人員與使用者之間的「互動性」是否會影響使用者對於旅遊網站之服務滿意度及持續使用意圖。 本研究以太麻里旅遊網站使用者做研究對象,採實驗室實驗法,透過分組方式進行實驗後填答問卷,總共回收240份有效問卷,以迴歸分析方法來檢驗模型架構,研究結果顯示:一、線上客服人員之「外表吸引力」會正向影響使用者對於旅遊網站的服務滿意度及持續使用意圖。二、線上客服與使用者之間的「互動性」會正向影響使用者對於旅遊網站之服務滿意度,在持續使用意圖上並沒有顯著的影響。透過本研究分析結果,可提供社群經營模式旅遊網站,希望日後網站提供服務時能往此方面增加更完善之功能。


In the past marketing practices, salesmen have always been customers’ first service contact either for consulting or for recommendation of store’s merchandises. Nowadays, digital marketing has moved toward diversity, beyond steady marketing, “beauty trend” has also contributed greatly the sales, the website page views and the click rates. While going through major studies on travel site’s usage and its management, the main topics found were visitors’ intention of using the site, its service quality & its customers’ satisfaction. On top of these, our research has also included online customer services representatives’ “physical attractiveness” and their interaction with customers as two additional factors. The research then explores how these factors may affect users’ satisfaction toward the website’s service quality and their intention of continuous usage. This research has taken Tamili travel site’s users as study samples. There were 240 valid questionnaires collected through several lab experiments and through various groups. Then, using regression analysis to test the model’s structure, the research result showed that: 1) online customer services representatives’ “physical attractiveness” have positive influence on users’ satisfaction over the site, and increase their voluntary of continuously using the site. 2) The online service interaction with customers has led the website satisfaction to be increased; however, this does not effect on visitors’ voluntary of using the site. Finally, this research analysis proved that the business model can be led in the method of community travel forum, allowing the users to have instant interaction with the site & improve customers’ service satisfaction.


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