  • 學位論文


Development of Emotional Intelligence Inventory

指導教授 : 黃麗嬌


本研究為編製一份適用於國內在職成人的情緒智力量表。題目設計兼具最佳答案與自陳式的形式,囊括客觀的情緒認知與主觀的情緒應用,同時融入國內文化注重和諧的概念,加入「情緒和諧」這項新構念,題目內容以職場情境為主,選取工作經驗的成人為研究樣本。本研究邀請3位情緒專家評估內容效度,收取318位樣本進行預試分析並調整題目,另外收取313位樣本,檢驗量表的信度和效度,再收取305位樣本以檢驗量表跨樣本的穩定性。本研究的情緒智力量表共19題,三項構念組成分別為「情緒覺察與理解」、「情緒和諧」以及「自身情緒應用」。研究結果顯示,經驗證性因素分析的修正模型,在跨樣本上具良好的穩定性,情緒智力總分與各構念內部一致性及重測信度皆達 .70以上,此外,以相關分析與潛在變項分析發現,情緒智力量表與WLEIS情緒智力量表之間有高度相關,「情緒覺察與理解」與WLEIS各構念無關,「自身情緒應用」與WLEIS的「情緒應用」和「情緒調節」有中度相關,而與WLEIS的「他人情感評價」和中庸信念-價值無關,具聚斂效度與區辨效度;情緒智力與工作績效有中度相關,「情緒和諧」與「自身情緒應用」分別對應「任務績效」與「脈絡績效」皆有正向相關,表示本量表與職場績效有關聯,適用於職場環境;「情緒和諧」與華人的中庸信念-價值有低度的正向相關,但WLEIS各構念與中庸信念-價值無顯著相關,代表本量表評估華人情緒智力的適切性。


情緒智力 量表編製 本土化 職場


The aim of this research is to develop an emotional intelligence scale for working adults in Taiwan. Questions are designed to combine best-answer and self-report forms, including objective emotional cognition and subjective emotional application, while incorporating the concept of harmony in domestic culture, adding the new concept of "Emotional harmony", the content of the project is mainly based on workplace situations, and adults with work experience are selected as research samples. This study invited 3 emotion experts to evaluate the content validity, collected 318 samples for pre-test analysis and adjusted the items, in addition, 313 samples were collected to test the reliability and validity of the scale, and another 305 samples were collected to test the stability of the scale across samples. The emotional intelligence scale of this study consists of 19 items, the inventory consists of 3 subscales measuring, namely " Emotional perception and understanding", " Emotional harmony" and " Self-Emotional application ". The results show that the revised model of confirmatory factor analysis has good stability across samples, the internal consistency and test-retest reliability of emotional intelligence total score and various constructs are above .70. In addition, through correlation analysis and latent variable analysis, it was found that, there is a high correlation between the emotional intelligence scale and the WLEIS emotional intelligence scale, "Emotional perception and understanding" has nothing to do with WLEIS constructs, "Self-Emotional application" is moderately correlated with WLEIS's "Emotional application" and "Emotional regulation", but has nothing to do with WLEIS's "Emotional evaluation of others" and ZhongYong belief-value, supporting convergent and discriminant validity; Emotional intelligence is moderately correlated with job performance, and "Emotional harmony" and "Self-Emotional application" are positively correlated with "Task performance" and "Contextual performance", represents that this scale is associated with workplace performance and is applicable in the workplace environment; "Emotional harmony" has a low degree of positive correlation with Chinese people's ZhongYong belief-value, there is no significant correlation between the constructs of WLEIS and ZhongYong belief-value. It represents the appropriateness of this scale to assess Chinese emotional intelligence.


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