  • 學位論文


The Study of Sales Promotion on Consumers' Purchase

指導教授 : 廖本哲


現今便利商店如雨後春筍般的林立,在競爭激烈的情形下,無不採取許多促銷活動 來吸引消費者來上門消費。在第一步能夠吸引消費者上門消費後,也希望消費者能夠在 便利商店促銷活動的吸引下,而進行較多商品的購買行為。 本研究中,將依照調節焦點的方式將消費者分為「促進型焦點」與「預防型焦點」 兩大類型的消費者。藉由 RFQ 量表來將消費者進行分類,並依照量表中所產生的分數 來決定填答問卷者為何種類型消費者。在將消費者進行分類後,使用實設計的研究方 法來測試用不同類型的促銷型態來搭配,對不同消費類型的消費者的影響。並藉由實 設計來證相關的研究假設。 在研究結果中,發現在便利商店業中,本研究結果並不顯。研究分析後,顯示在 便利商店中,消費者的購買行為以快速、方便為主要的購物行為模式。促進型焦點的消 費者在便利商店中的購買行為,並非因為多得到贈品而影響其購買行為;預防型焦點的 消費者在便利商店中也並非為不失去贈品為影響其購買行為。研究結果與我們當初所預 期的購買行為有很大的不同。顯示在便利商店中,並不適合用調節焦點來進行研究。


Today's convenience stores mushroomed everywhere, in a highly competitive situation, all take a lot of promotional activities to attract consumers to have more consumption. After attract consumers come to convenience store consumption, the convenience store also want to use some promotional activities, to carry out consumers more merchandise purchase behavior. In this study, the focus will be adjusted in accordance with the way consumers into "Promotions type" and "Preventions type," two types of consumers. By RFQ scale to classify the consumers, and in accordance with point scale arising; those who completed the questionnaire to determine what type of consumer. After the consumer classification, using methods of experimental design to test different types of promotions with patterns for different types of consumption Impact on consumers, and by experimental design to verify the related research hypotheses In the study, it was found in the convenience store industry, the results of this study are not significant. After research and analysis, it appears in the convenience store, consumers buying behavior to quickly and easily to the main shopping behavior. Promotion type of consumer buying behavior in convenience stores, not because the get more gifts and affect their buying behavior; Preventions consumer of convenience store will not to going to lose their gifts to influence consumer behavior considerations. The study results are very different from we had expected purchases behaviors, it shows in the convenience store, it’s not suitable for adjusting the focus to study.


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