  • 學位論文

自營與外包配送決策支援系統 —以某紙業公司為例

Self-operation and Outsourcing Distribution Decision Support System —Case Study in Paper Company

指導教授 : 江瑞清


本研究建構一套自營與外包配送決策支援系統(DSS),目的幫助企業達到配送成本的控制。研究內容:(1)以捕食搜索(PS)概念為基礎提出一個啟發式演算法求解具時窗限制車輛途程問題(VRPTW),此為協助自營與外包配送決策支援系統,解決派車與車輛路線規劃的作業,並以Solomon(1983)提出的56題國際標竿試題做測試、(2)設計一套協助日常配送時的自營與外包配送DSS,並以2011年度個案公司的歷史訂單資料做驗證。 驗證結果:(1)啟發式演算法求解速度與解的改善率皆有不錯的表現,其中R202的總距離優於目前最佳解、(2)找出個案公司目前較經濟配送車輛數為2輛,配送費用改善幅度最高達28.97%。證明自營與外包配送DSS能夠幫助公司達到配送成本的控制。


This research constructs a self-operation and outsourcing distribution Decision Support System (DSS), it attempts to help enterprise with controlling distribution cost. Research involving: (1) Proposing a meta-heuristic algorithm based on Predatory Search (PS) concept, it is going to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window (VRPTW) which is the main of self-operation and outsourcing distribution DSS to deal with car dispatching and route planning. Solomon’s 56 benchmark instances were tested for it; (2) Designing for daily distribution a self-operation and outsourcing distribution DSS, and then historical orders information in 2011 from case company were verified it. The result of verification: (1) Solving time and solution improving rate both are good performance. In addition, the total routes distances of instances of R202 is better than existing approximate optimal solution; (2) Analyzing a number of economical cars for case company is two, maximum distribution spending improving rate up to 28.97%. The above have successfully proofed self-operation and outsourcing distribution DSS may help enterprise with controlling distribution cost.


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