  • 學位論文


Design and impletation of SharePoint eForms and workflows.


隨著網路設備以及上網方式的便利,現在大家幾乎人手一機可上網的智慧型手機、越來越輕薄的筆記型電腦以及平板電腦。如今的上網方式已經不像以前,需要坐在電腦前收E-mail或批閱公文,現在走到哪邊都可以使用無線網路上網,無論是坐火車、公車、捷運、客運等...。如何讓我們工作流程E化以及讓使用者更方便的觀看公文,就是我們的目標。 使用Microsoft SharePoint Server平台加上Microsoft InfoPath電子表單還有自製的工作流程引擎,可以讓我們更方便的完成我們的目標︰查看公文以及批閱公文。InfoPath是Microsoft推出的Microsoft Office之中的一個產品,他是用來設計表單,跟Microsoft Word及Microsoft Excel一樣非常好開發及學習,可以使用本機端的Office軟體開啟或者是使用更方便的網頁開啟。Word可以畫出來的表單InfoPath也都可以製作,從普通的可觀看表格、可填寫的表格到比較複雜顯示方式InfoPath都可以作得出來;使用C#來撰寫Workflow,讓表單使用我們自製的Workflow 引擎,可不限平台的使用;最後就是我們所使用的平台是SharePoint。他是一個共同作業平台,你可以在上面放上任何文件提供他人下載或觀看。重點是他是一個網站,也就是說只要能使用瀏覽器上網的行動裝置都可以使用這個平台,更是加大了使用者的方便性以及減少使用條件的限制。 所以在SharePoint平台上使用InfoPath是非常方便的。主管只需要一隻可以使用網路的行動裝置,就算是請假在家裡也可以批示公文,而不用像傳統一樣一定要到辦公室上班,或者是使用沒有通知代辦事項及須審閱項目的E-mail。


As devices and methods for connecting to the internet are becoming more and more convenient, everybody has access to either a smart phone or notebook, tablet PC which are getting thinner and thinner. Nowadays the way we connect to the internet is not the same as before, we do not have to sit in front of a computer to read our Emails or review our documents. Now, we can do all that no matter we are taking a train, a bus, an MRT or other public transportation by connecting to the internet through the use of WiFi. Thus we set our goal to investigating how we can automate workflows in order to help people do their work more conveniently. By using Microsoft SharePoint platform, Microsoft InfoPath forms and the workflow engine we designed, we can achieve our goal effortlessly, helping people to review documents an audit documents. InfoPath is a member of Microsoft Office system that can be used to designed e-forms. InfoPath is just as easy to learn and develop as Microsoft Office’s Word and Excel. We can either open an InfoPath form by using the Office client or through web browser. InfoPath can be used to design forms that used to be designed by Words, from forms with tables filled with data, forms that we can fill in, to forms that has fairly complex structure. We have also used C# to develop our own workflow engine, to provide workflow service to various platforms. Finally, we choose to use Microsoft SharePoint as our platform. Microsoft SharePoint is a collaboration platform. On this platform, you can easily upload your documents. More important, SharePoint provides web sites that we can access with any devices that have a browser on it, greatly increasing user’s convenience and reduce limitations. Thus SharePoint together with InfoPath provide tremendous convenience. Managers can now do their work even if they are at home, as long as they have any device that can connect to the internet.


SharePoint platform InfoPath workflow.


【6】 薛博文. (2011). SharePoint 知識管理系統設計. 桃園縣: (未出版之碩士論文)取自私立中原大.
【8】 BatesSeth, & SmithTony. (2010). SharePoint.2010.Users.Guide. Apress.
【1】 ShadravanDarvish, & RogersLaura. (2010). Using Microsoft InfoPath 2010 with Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Step by Step.
【2】 維基百科 - SOAP Web. (2011). 擷取自 Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAP


李家華(2013)。SharePoint InfoPath 電子表單程式設計〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300447
