  • 學位論文


Discuss the Ambient Lighting Efficiency of Different Outer Wall Facadeswith Computer Simulation

指導教授 : 謝明燁


本研究以建築照明節能為觀點,探討不同外牆立面對室內的採光效能及光環境品質的影響程度。研究是以電腦模擬方式進行。本研究使用Ecotect Analysis(建築性能分析軟體工具),與光環境分析軟體Radiance進行模擬,預測七種外牆立面型式在一年中的兩個時段(中午12:00與下午3:00),自然光於室內的照度分佈狀態。本研究是以平均照度及均齊度為觀點來定義採光效能,再藉由變異數分析,驗證太陽軌跡區間、時段、開窗率與外牆立面型式等因子是否會影響採光效能。此外,為瞭解各條件下自然採光取代人工照明的潛在節能效益,本研究以面積的觀點,依照日本CASBEE辦公類及學校類照度分級適用條件給予評分,再據此比較不同條件之室內光環境品質。 本研究的結果顯示,太陽軌跡區間、時段、開窗率與外牆立面型式皆對於均齊度有顯著的影響,改變外牆立面型式與開窗率可以提升室內整體均齊度。其中,外牆立面型式的影響力大於開窗率。七種外牆立面型式中,整體而言,水平百葉的立面(T-04與T-05)可以獲致較均勻的照度分佈,其次為陽台欄杆結合水平百葉(T-06)、單片遮陽板兩側50cm深(T-03)、單片遮陽板50cm深(T-01)、單片遮陽板100cm深(T-02),而無遮陽(T-00)的照度分佈最不均勻。水平百葉15cm深(T-04)與水平百葉25cm深(T-05)的均齊度表現類似,而單片遮陽板50cm深(T-01)和單片遮陽板100cm深(T-02)的均齊度表現類似。在辦公室照明的的室內光環境品質方面,單片遮陽板100cm深(T-02)與單片遮陽板兩側50cm深(T-03)的表現較佳,水平百葉15cm深(T-04)、水平百葉25cm深(T-05)和無遮陽(T-00)的表現較差。在學校教室的室內光環境品質方面,單片遮陽板兩側50cm深(T-03)的表現較佳,單片遮陽板50cm深(T-01)與無遮陽(T-00)的表現較差。單片遮陽板兩側50cm深(T-03)的室內光環境品質的表現最佳,而單片遮陽板100cm深(T-02)、單片遮陽板兩側50cm深(T-03)與陽台欄杆結合水平百葉(T-06)的室內光環境品質表現相仿。


水平遮陽板 均齊度


This research discusses the influences of different outer wall facades on interior lighting and energy saving from the architecture lighting energy saving point of view. The study is proceeding with computer simulation with Ecotect Analysis (architecture performance analytic software) and Radiance, light environment analytic software. We predict the nature light distribution in the interior of seven outer wall facades in two time periods (12:00 at noon and 3:00 pm) in a year. This study defines the ambient lighting from average lighting and optical uniformity. Then test whether sun track, time period, windowing rate and outer wall facades types will affect the ambient lighting efficiency with ANOVA. Moreover, in order to understand the potential energy saving efficiency of nature ambient lighting in place of artificial lighting, this study rate from the area in accordance with Japan CASBEE offices and schools lighting grade applications. We compare the lighting energy saving efficiency of different criteria according to this rating. The results of this study show that sun track, time period, windowing rate, and outer wall facades types have prominent influences on optical uniformity. Alter the type of outer wall facades and windowing rate can increase overall interior optical uniformity. Among all, the influence of outer wall facades types is greater than windowing rate. Among seven outer wall facades types, overall, the facades of horizontal blinds (T-04 and T-05) have more average lighting distribution, followed by balcony and horizontal blind (T-06), single blind with two sides depth 50cm (T-03), single blind depth 50cm (T-01), and single blind depth 100cm(T-02); the lighting distribution of non-blind (T-00) is the worst. Horizontal blind depth 15cm (T-04) and horizontal blind depth 25cm (T-05) have similar performance in optical uniformity, while single blind depth 50cm (T-01) and single blind depth 100cm (T-02) have similar performance in optical uniformity. In the aspect of office lighting energy saving efficiency, single blind depth 100cm (T-02) and single blind with two sides depth 50cm (T-03) have better performance; the performances of horizontal blind depth 15cm (T-04), horizontal blind depth 25cm(T-05), and no blind (T-00) are worse. In the aspect of school classroom lighting energy saving efficiency, single blind with two sides depth 50cm (T-03) has better performance; the performances of single blind depth 50cm (T-01) and no blind (T-00) are worse. Single blind with two sides depth 50cm (T-03) has better efficiency in interior lighting energy saving, while single blind depth 100cm (T-02), single blind with two sides depth 50cm (T-03) and balcony and horizontal blind (T-06) have similar efficiency in lighting energy saving.


optical uniformity horizontal blind


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