  • 學位論文


A study of Stereolithography apparatus applied to Bionic drag reduction structure

指導教授 : 李有璋


摘要 多年來,人們藉由生物啟發,研究出廣泛的應用技術,來解決工程上所遭遇的各種難題。常見的工程問題中,如何降低流體流動過程中所產生的阻力就是經常研究的問題之一,而減阻領域中常以鯊魚皮的減阻機制為主要的研究方向。   本研究以鯊魚皮為啟發,先以3D軟體繪製仿生減阻結構模型,並且定義結構高度、間距、線寬、形式和層次變化的減阻模型,利於減阻機制的探討,再藉由立體光固化設備進行減阻結構基板的製作,達到快速定義結構及製作的效果。接著以軟性轉印技術進行結構的複製轉印,使用PDMS複製基板結構製作反向結構的軟性壓印模具,再利用壓印模具將光固化環氧樹脂轉印結構到測試流道中,以365 nm的紫外光LED燈固化結構樹脂。最後進行各表面結構的親疏水性和減阻效果的量測,本實驗通過量測減阻結構流道的兩端進出口壓力值得到壓力差趨勢,並探討各結構變化所呈現的減阻效果以及差異性。最終結果證實再不進一步增加表面摩擦力的情況下,仿生結構的製作有助於增加減阻效果,而本實驗由矩形微結構高度50、線寬50、間距200 μm在紊流狀態下具有14.4 %的最大減阻效果。


3D列印 仿生減阻 微結構


Abstract People research a wide range of applications to solve the engineering problems by inspiring biology. Among the common engineering problems, how to reduce the drag caused by fluid flow is one of the most frequently problems. The drag reduction mechanism of shark skin is the main research direction in the field of drag reduction. In this study, we produced the structure of drag reduction by the stereolithography apparatus (SLA). The 3D model was built with 3D software, and the drag reduction model of structure height, spacing, width, array and synthesis was defined to facilitate the study of drag reduction mechanism. The structure built by the SLA was transferred to the reverse structure soft imprinted mold made of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The PDMS mold was used to fabricate the UV-cured epoxy resin structure of drag reduction on the testing flow channel. The hydrophobicity of each surface structure and drag reduction effect were measured. In this experiment, the pressure difference of the flow channel is obtained by measuring the pressure at the inlet and outlet of both ends of the flow channel, and the drag reduction effect of different structure for were discussed. The final results confirmed that without further increasing the surface friction, the bionic structure helps to increase the drag reduction effect, and the rectangular microstructure with height 50, line width 50, spacing 200 μm in the turbulent state have the 14.4% maximum drag reduction effect.


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