  • 學位論文


The medical care seeking behavior of patients with insomnia

指導教授 : 譚偉象


本研究使用健康信念模式的主要七個變項,罹患性認知、嚴重性認知、利益性認知、障礙性認知、行動線索、健康動機、人口學變項來預測失眠患者的求醫行為。研究中有五項分析,首先以邏輯回歸分析七個變項與求醫行為的關係。第二,設罹患性認知、嚴重性認知、利益性認知、障礙性認知、行動線索、健康動機為中介變項去了解人口學變項預測求醫行為的情形。第三,設罹患性認知與嚴重性認知為中介變項以了解行動線索預測求醫行為的情形。第四,以因素分析去驗證是否罹患性認知、嚴重性認知可形成威脅性認知變項。最後仍以因素分析去驗證利益性認知與障礙性認知是否可形成行動評價認知變項。 本研究有兩組樣本,實驗組中的50位失眠樣本乃來自桃園縣某兩間區域醫院的身心內科轉介而來。而對照組中的樣本則招募50位失眠未就醫的同一地區自願參與者。 以下摘述五項結果: 一、求醫行為與年齡、教育年數、婚姻狀態、職業、自覺罹患性認知、自覺嚴重性認知、自覺利益性認知與自覺障礙性認知、行動線索得分有顯著相關。 二、不同性別的自覺罹患性認知得分有顯著差異。不同婚姻狀態的自覺障礙性認知、行動線索和健康動機有顯著差異。教育年數與自覺障礙性有正相關。年齡與行動線索、健康動機有正相關。年齡與自覺障礙性有負相關。 三、教育程度、自覺罹患性認知、自覺利益性認知、自覺障礙性認知可以有效的預測求醫行為。 四、自覺罹患性認知是行動線索和求醫行為間的中介變項。 五、自覺罹患性認知和自覺嚴重性認知可形成威脅性認知變項。




Abstract The purpose of this study was to utilize the Health Belief Model, which includes seven essential concepts of (1)perceived susceptibility, (2) perceived seriousness, (3)perceived benefits, (4)perceived barriers, (5) cues to action(6) health motivation as well as (7)demorgraphic variables to predict the insomnia patients’ medical care seeking behavior (MCSB). Five analyses were conducted in this research. Firstly, the logistic regression was conducted to present the relationship between the seven variables and MCSB. Secondly, the variables of (1)perceived susceptibility, (2) perceived seriousness, (3)perceived benefits, (4)perceived barriers, (5) cues to action(6) health motivation were set as mediator variables to predicted MCSB by demorgraphic variables.Thirdly,the variables of perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness were set as mediator variables to predicted MCSB by cues to actions.Fourthly,factor analysis was performed to confirm whether perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness can be generated as threat perception.Finally,factor analysis was performed to comfirm perceived benefits and perceived barriers can be generated as behavioral evaluation. Two groups were sorted in this research. The case group of 50 participants, who were seeking the medical care of insomnia problems, was recruited by Psychiatry Departments in two regional hospitals in Taoyuan County. The control group of the other 50 participants, who had insomnia problems without seeking medical service, was volunteers in the same local area. Five results can be summarized as followed: 1. Significant correlation can be found between MCSB and age, years of education, occupation, martial status, perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action. 2. Gender difference was significantly found in perceived susceptibility.Marital status difference was significantly found in perceived barriers,cues to action,health motivation. Positive correlation was significant between years of education and perceived barriers and between age and cues to action/health motivation. Negative correlation was significantly found between age and perceived barriers. 3. The MCSB can be successfully predicted by the four variables of years of education, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits and perceived barriers. 4. Perceived susceptibility was found to be the mediator between cues to action and MCSB. 5. Perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness can be generated into one variable, which is threat perception.


insomnia patients


林清華、徐秋蓬(2001)。失眠之藥物治療。高雄醫師會誌, 34,13-17。


