  • 學位論文

越南華人文化、華語文教學之現狀及展望 -以平陽省土龍木市地區為例

The Current Situation and Future of Chinese Culture and Chinese Language Teaching – An example of Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam

指導教授 : 夏誠華


摘要 隨著越南漢語的興起,越來越多的越南人對學習華文和中國文化有著濃厚的興趣,而越南華人扮演中國、臺灣和越南其他民族在學習華語文方面的交流紐帶角色。 華語文教學首先能滿足各民族的傳統文化,其次則是促進經濟發展的實際需求。越南的華語文教學發展除促進越南經濟發展,也造就了民族文化的繁榮。進一步促進越中兩國在經濟、文化、社會等其他領域的交流與合作。 本文主要針對越南平陽省土龍木市華人文化、華語文教學進行考察,考察內容包括: 一、 改革開放前後,越南平陽省土龍木市華人華文教學情況,包括學校、師資、學制、教材、教法等情況。 二、針對平陽省土龍木市華語文培訓中心的教師、學生進行問卷調查,瞭解平陽省土龍木市各所華語文教學中心的情況。通過考察與調查,本文提出目前土龍木市華人華語教學所現存的問題,並提出建議: (一)教學語言環境方面:多鼓勵各華語文培訓中心的教師和學生在課堂上或課堂外使用華語作為交流語言,從而創造良好的語言環境。 (二)師資方面:土龍木市的各所華語文培訓中心的教師隊伍的年齡比較老,要重視培訓出年輕教師隊伍,避免人才流失,對現有的教師隊伍要定期舉辦職業培訓活動,提高業務水準和專業知識,並進一步提高教學質量。 (三) 教材方面: 教材內容太舊,不合時宜,土龍木市的教育培訓科要注意重視高年級的教材,同時要比較低年級現有的教材內容進行更新,多參考中國、台灣對外華語文的教材改善教材的不足。 (四)教學方法方面:目前主要使用傳統的教學方法,知識來源多以教科書為主。老師是教學的管理者,可透過課堂活動與作業來檢視學生的學習成效。


Abstract In the fast of rapid development of Chinese language in Vietnam, more and more Vietnamese are enjoying learning Chinese and knowing more about Chinese culture; moreover, Vietnamese Chinese communities in Vietnam, by Chinese learning activities, are playing their roles in connecting and exchanging between China and Vietnamese people. Teaching Chinese, beforehand, is to meet up cultural tradition and to satisfy the actual needs for economic promotion while creating the people’s cultural prosperity. Accordingly, cooperation and exchanges of the two nations in terms of economic, cultural, social, and other aspects will be promoted. The thesis is to investigate the culture and status of Chinese language teaching in Thu Dau Mot City of Binh Duong Province in Vietnam. The investigation contents are as follows: I.Chinese language teaching by Chinese community in Thu Dau Mot City before and after reforms in terms of school facilities, teachers, students, curriculum, and teaching methodology. II. Investigation of teachers and students at Chinese language centers in Thu Dau Mot City of Binh Duong Province to obtain investigation results for identifying the issues and proposing recommendations: 1. Language teaching environment: To encourage teachers and students of the language centers to use Chinese more and more during and outside of their classrooms to create a better language environment. 2.Teachers: Ages of Chinese language teachers at centers in Thu Dau Mot City are relatively old, requiring to train more younger teachers to avoid losing talents and to regularly train up the current teaching staffs in terms of pedagogy and teaching quality. 3.Curriculum: The curriculum is too old and unsuitable. Thu Dau Mot City Division of Education and Training should focus on curriculum of higher levels while comparing to lower level ones to carry out reforms with reference to Chinese teaching curricula from Taiwan and China to improve the curriculum quality. 4.Teaching methodologies: Currently, teachers of the centers mainly use traditional methodology of textbook-centered with knowledge origin and acquisition from the textbooks only. Teachers manage their teaching through testing and evaluation of their students’ learning. More media and communication aids should be used in teaching with more teaching methodologies to be applied.


