  • 學位論文


CAE Analysis and Verification of PCB under Impact Environment

指導教授 : 鍾文仁


摘要 在各種的電子設備中,印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Boards,PCB)是基本元件之一,其功能是連結各個電子元件,讓各個電子元件成為一個完整的電路系統。當整個系統太過複雜時,可以設計成PCI-Express(簡稱PCI-E)介面的印刷電路板,當作一個的子系統,將其功能區分開來,使用者可以依照使用上的需求以卡片插入的方式來增添功能,PCI-E介面的印刷電路板的使用,在電腦設備中最為普遍。 當插有PCI-E電路板的電腦產品在搬運或運輸過程時,難免遭受到外界之衝擊力或振動,產生一些難以避免的影響。一旦電路板上電子零件的焊點或錫球產生裂縫或是脫落的情形,整個電路系統會無法傳遞電訊造成當機或失效。 本文主要在探討PCI-E電路板安裝至機台插槽上之模擬分析。透過Abaqus模擬分析軟體進行正弦衝擊模擬,取得應變數據與加速度數據,再經由Lansmont衝擊試驗機執行正弦衝擊試驗,取得PCI-E板上之實驗應變數據與加速度數據,模擬數據與實驗數據兩者相比較,探討模擬與實驗之相似度。研究目的則是利用參數模擬分析,在試驗前預先評估PCI-E電路板裝至機台插槽上受到外界衝擊力後,晶片的錫球會產生破裂的風險。未來可透過軟體模擬分析方式,了解PCI-E板的應變與加速度特性,進而減少繁瑣的測試工作以及降低測試樣品費用。


PCB 衝擊試驗 應變 加速度 Abaqus


Abstract Among all kinds of electronic devices, PCB (Printed Circuit Board) is one of the fundamental components. Its function is to connect all electronic components and make them a complete circuit system. When the system becomes more complex, PCB with an interface called PCI-E (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) can be used as a subsystem and separate its own function. Users with certain needs can obtain extra functions by inserting PCI-E cards. Using PCB with PCI-E interface is the most popular way in computing equipment. During shipping or moving electronic products with PCI-E cards, some negative impacts (e.g. shocks or vibrations) for the environment are unavoidable. Once the welding pads or solder balls on the components detach or crack from the PCB, the whole circuit system will malfunction or even crash due to signal shortage. This article discusses the simulation analysis of the PCB with PCI-E interface. The simulated results of strains and accelerations on the PCB during half-sine shock are computed by Abaqus, a CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) software. And the experimental results of strains and accelerations on the PCB during half-sine shock are acquired from Lansmont, a shock testing machine. The similarity between the simulated and experimental data are analyzed by comparing the two. The objective is to evaluate the risk of solder balls cracking on the PCB with PCI-E interface during shocks by simulation analysis. By simulation analysis from CAE software, the strains and accelerations of the PCB with PCI-E interface can be characterized. Furthermore, actual testing can be reduced and sample fee can be decreased.


PCB Shock test Strain Acceleration Abaqus


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